Staff development is counted with PGPs. These are PDFs emailed to participants after the workshop. With new online PD options, the PGP process has modified slightly, depending on the type of development you participate in.

Who Sends PGPs?

Prior to the 2021-22 school year, PGPs came via email as a shared PDF in Google Drive from a generic no-reply address. The session facilitator is responsible for making sure attendees complete the short feedback survey following the workshop. After the workshop, documents are generated within two days. If you do not receive the email, contact the session facilitator directly for help.

Starting in the fall of 2021, PGPs are available on demand for events you participate in. Log into with your ECS Google account and click on Documents. 

Professional Development Options

YouTube Live

We are using YouTube for semi-live events. You can join the live stream at the calendar time or watch it later following the session. The PGP link is in the video description and you can fill the form out after watching the video to receive your credit. 

Google Meet

Live Google Meet sessions will include a link to the PGP form following the workshop. These are meant to be more interactive, so any recordings will not have the PGP link included with the archive.

Self-Paced Courses

We have several self-paced courses you can use to learn about or brush up on several ECS systems. When you complete an entire course, you can claim PGPs from Instructional Tech. Each course specifies the total number of credits available.