Canvas LMS

Homework Help

ProQuest CultureGrams

Concise cultural information on countries around the world

ProQuest eLibrary

General reference resource for research searches.

ProQuest Research Tools

ProQuest SIRS Issue Researcher

Database of content organized by complex issues, ideally for middle and high school students and educators

ProQuest SIRS Discoverer

Selected content for novice researchers, especially elementary and middle school students and educators

Setting Up Canvas

Signing On to Canvas

Using Canvas Student App

Uploading Assignments

Using Canvas

Clearing Cache

Many times, issues with Canvas can be solved by clearing your internet cache.

First make sure that your internet connection is stable and if it is then please clear your browser cache and cookies.

Here is a guide on how to clear your browser cache:



Issues with Personal Chromebooks

If you use a personal Chromebook (not Elite-issued) and have issues logging in to Canvas, please follow these directions.

Accessing Canvas on a Personal Chromebook

Google Tutorials

Canva Tutorials

Other Tech Tool Tutorials