Life Planning and Career Guidance Committee

Ms Cheung Wai Yi Grace

Vice Principal, Careers Mistress

Mr Law Chun Kit Jacky

Head of Geography Department, S1-3 Life Planning Coordinator

Mr Lau Ka Fai

Chinese Teacher, S4-5 Life Planning Coordinator

Mr Law Man Long

Chinese Teacher

Ms Li Siqing

Mathematics Teacher

Ms Lam Hiu Man Anna

Visual Arts Teacher


Situated on 3/F inside our state-of-the-art library, our Life Planning and Career Education Centre offers students with abundant information on multiple pathways and a cosy environment for life planning counselling. It is also a life planning hub for our career prefects for training sessions.

other useful resources (internal pages)

useful external pages

The EDB website is a one-stop platform for students, parents and teachers. One of the most useful resources is the videos about the stories of insiders from various disciplines (from different industrial sectors), and careers information ranging from duties, working hours, working environment, personality, promotion and reference salary, entry requirements and examples of training courses.

University programme searching tools and platforms (Particularly useful for S4-S6 students)

E-navigator [Local]

This career exploration tool helps students search for programme information across different local institutions and levels (e.g. degrees, higher diplomas and associate degrees) under the NAS. With this tool, students can

- Search for programme information across different local institutions and levels under NAS, including programmes from JUPAS, iPASS, Yi Jin Diploma programme and Qualifications Register
- Provide specific search by Area of Study, Institution or Keyword
- Access hyperlinks of various official webpages with details of individual programmes
- Enter expected or actual HKDSE Examination results to refine the search for eligible programmes
- Save previously searched programme information to bookmark for future access

Joint University Programmes Admissions System (JUPAS) [Local]

It is a scheme and the main route of application system designed to assist students with Hong Kong Diploma of Secondary Education (HKDSE) Examination results (past and/or current), to apply for admission to University Grants Committee (UGC)-funded Bachelor's degree and Associate Degree/Higher Diploma programmes offered by the eight JUPAS participating-institutions, the self-financing Bachelor's degree programmes offered by The Open University of Hong Kong, and SSSDP Bachelor's degree programmes offered by the Study Subsidy Scheme for Designated Professions/Sectors (SSSDP) institutions.

Electronic Advance Application System for Post-secondary Programmes (E-APP)

It is a one-stop internet-based online application system developed by the Education Bureau for the Hong Kong Diploma of Secondary Education (HKDSE) Examination candidates of current year. With this online platform, students may apply for most of the full-time locally-accredited sub-degree and undergraduate programmes that are not covered by the JUPAS in a single online application before the release of HKDSE results.

[Learn more]

World University Rankings (Particularly useful for S4-S6)

The Times Higher Education World University Rankings 2020 includes almost 1,400 universities across 92 countries, standing as the largest and most diverse university rankings ever to date. This site is particularly useful for those who are planning to further their studies outside of Hong Kong.

Students who are enrolled in the top 100 universities in the World University Rankings of their academic year will be eligible to apply for our internal scholarship.

Holland Codes and Careers (Particularly useful for S3-S4 students)

The Occupational Information Network (O*NET)

It is a free online database that contains hundreds of occupational definitions to help students, job seekers, businesses and workforce development professionals to understand today's world of work in the United States.

S3 students will find this site particularly useful as one of its functions, Career Clusters, contains occupations in the same field of work that require similar work values (V), atttidues (A), skills (A), knowledge (K), and interests (in the form of Holland Codes) etc. The tool can help focus education plans towards obtaining the necessary knowledge, competencies, and training for success in a particular career pathway.

Qualifications and Employment Platforms

Qualifications Framework

The QF in Hong Kong (HKQF) is a seven-level hierarchy covering qualifications in the academic, vocational and professional as well as continuing education sectors to promote and support lifelong learning with a view to continuously enhancing the quality, professionalism and competitiveness of our workforce in an increasingly globalised and knowledge-based economy.

[Activities for Secondary School Students]

HKDSE (QF Level 3)
Local bachelor degrees (QF Level 5)

Youth Employment Start "Y.E.S." (Labour Department) is a one-stop employment platform for young people aged between 15 and 29 who could legally reside and work in Hong Kong. The platform aims to support to meet their different employment needs, to enhance their employability as well as to facilitate their sustainable development in employment. Their two youth employment resource centres are located in Langham Place, Mong Kok and Metroplaza, Kwai Fong.

Resourceful Information (for Teachers)

The Hong Kong Association of Careers Masters and Guidance Masters (HKACMGM)

It is an association that aims at providing professional support for all front-line guidance and careers guidance teachers in secondary schools of Hong Kong. It is a resourceful website on life planning, JUPAS statistics, summer career-related experiences etc. for both teachers, parents and students.

This is a platform particularly useful for Life Planning Teachers and those who are interested in this aspect of education.