Reflection by Hannah Fong

What have I learnt:

  • I have learnt how to use microbit to create an auto watering system
  • I have learnt more on how to communicate and work with my classmates as a team but not individually.

Areas of improvements:

  • We can try to make the system more accurate, for example the amount of water needed each time it waters the plant.
  • I think we can try to work together as a team more, and so that we can learn more knowledge and know how to comuunicate and cooperate with each other more.

Further development of the project:

  • We may place the system in the school sky garden and can reduce the workload for the janitors.
  • We hope our auto watering system would bring convenience to the janitors and gardeners inside or even outside Aschool, and also will take a bigger step towards a modern farming live and culture.