Cheung Ka Lui Ashley 7A 06

What have I learnt:

  • I learnt that we need to cooperate with each other as one person can´t finish all the task. I also learnt that micro bit can use in many ways like watering plants. The soil moisture sensor can detect the humidity of the soil and it can connect to a water pump.

Areas of improvements:

  • We can finish the task quicker and we can add more water to let the plant grow taller. Also, I can use different methods to try to think how to solve the problem by myself instead of asking my group members. Moreover, I can be more gentle to the plant as I accidentally broke the plant's stem.

Further development of the project:

  • We can rearrange the wires, battery boxes, clips and different components...... in a tidy way. Now, they are all tangled and simply put them in the box. Also we can make the system more efficient.