Rachel Norris

Classroom Expectations: Follow the Gator ABCs: Act responsibly, Be respectful, and Care for self and others.

Speech/Language Room Rules: Speak in an indoor voice (Level 2); Participate; Excellence; Everyone deserves to learn, so be kind, listen, share, and keep your hands to yourself; Challenge yourself; and Have fun!

We are missing you all so much right now!!! Please be safe and keep a look out for communication regarding what speech/language services will look like for the rest of the school year on your Class Dojo app.

My plan is for speech/language assignments/worksheets to be posted to Class Dojo in the student's "Portfolio" for Preschool-4th grade students and possibly try to post to Google Classroom for 5th grade students. Paper packets will be available for those that request them. Please keep me updated regarding any concerns/issues as they arise.

Office Hours: 9:00 a.m. - 10:00 a.m.

Love you Gators!

"An investment in knowledge pays the best interest. " - Benjamin Franklin