IWOW visits to local schools April 2018

Derby Hills Elementary

My day began as a WOW getting to visit Derby Hills Elementary. The hallways we filled with college theme banners and doors. The photos of students and decor was VERY welcoming. I noticed more of a home decor in the rooms and teachers lounge, with positive and family phrases. Data was in poster form and discussed in the morning message for the students and staff to hear. Teacher goals were put into one word small posters such as; yet. pause, and grow. I got to visit with the Early Childhood teacher because this was her planning day. The room was so cheery and she shared so freely I really loved talking with her. When visiting each classroom I really liked the seating options of students. The principal was very passionate about all he shared. A positive environment all around. What an amazing visit!!!!!!!

Kelly Liberal Arts Academy Wichita

This south Wichita school allowed me to visit in a Kindergarten classroom as well as a Pre Kindergarten. I observed a math lesson and noted items about learning centers throughout the rooms.

Planning for new school year ahead...............................

The best part of the day was ending with a visit to our new school to tour our new building. WOW new ideas ahead!!!!!!!

What a great day!!!