Here is a list of helpful resources we will use in the library, classroom, and at home! Click the down arrow next to resource to read a short description and log in information.

A way to access all the books, ebooks, interactive resources that the library has! To log in use your student username (lastname_firstname) and your 8-digit email password.

Use this website to search and find the reading level of a book. Reading levels are listed under BL for ATOS Book Level. IL is the books

A very helpful resource provided by the state library of Kansas that includes access to Encyclopedia Britannica, World Almanac, Scholastic Bookflix, Tumblebooks, and more!

A helpful game to practice Nonfiction and Fiction shelf order!

Interland is a free, web-based game designed to help kids learn five foundational lessons across four different mini-games, or ‘lands.’ Kids are invited to play their way to Internet Awesome in a quest to deny hackers, sink phishers, one-up cyberbullies, outsmart oversharers and become safe, confident explorers of the online world.

Six interactive games that addresses key issues kids face in today's digital world. Each engaging game teaches critical digital citizenship skills that help students learn to use technology responsibly to learn, create, and participate.

Tumble Books can be located on the Kansas State Library resource page listed above. If you are having issues opening or reading books use our log-in. Username: usd490 - Password: books.