Welcome To Mrs. Winn's


I am so excited to start this school year! It has been a WONDERFUL summer and I am looking forward to seeing all my students this year.

Below is the list of the minimum expectations for all students in my class. We want this to be a learning environment. By following these simple rules, we can have a productive and fun year! If there are any questions, please ask me.

1. Come to class prepared with all supplies and homework complete. You will need a pencil (sharpened), pen, and your computer (charged).

2. Keep hands, feet and all objects to yourself. Be respectful of others space.

3. Listen when others are talking. Do not interrupt.

4. Participate in class activities.

5. Follow all school rules.

6. Share and take turns.

7. Follow directions.

8. ALWAYS use kind words.

9. Cell phones are not to be used during classroom time. There is a box to put your cell phone in when entering classroom. You may use it during free time when allowed.

Get ready for a FUN and EXCITING YEAR!