april 22, 2024

Weekly Newsletter - april 22, 2024

Sent 4/22/2024, 8:45 PM.

We had such a great time on the Spring Trip last week!  Huge thanks to all the chaperones and directors, and especially JP Bowdoin for planning and coordinating the entire trip for us.

And as things usually go in band - we finish up one event, and immediately move to the next.  Aside from the myriad concerts coming up, we have a spring car wash fundraiser and our end-of-year band banquet coming up (expect a separate announcement with all the banquet details - make sure you read it quickly, as we have a pretty tight timeline on that...)

What's in this newsletter?

Here's what I have for you all this week:


This week in band...

Wednesday 4/24

Now on to the details...

Spring Trip Pictures

Send your spring trip pictures to Mrs. Whiston at by this Saturday, 4/27.

Spring Car Wash

We are holding another car wash fundraiser this spring, on Saturday, May 5/4.  Once again, directors will be assigning students a shift, where they will need to be there ready to wash cars and play pep times.

NOTE: Students will need to bring a water bottle, as we will not have enough bottled water for everyone.

We will also need some parent volunteers for this event, so please consider grabbing one from the signup link below.

Band Banquet

Our annual band banquet is coming up very soon.  It will be Saturday, 5/11.  You will need to purchase your tickets by 4/30.  Due to the time-sensitive nature of the event, I will be sending out all the banquet details in a separate announcement to they are not diluted by the rest of the newsletter.  Please read it quickly and get your tickets purchased ASAP.

Band Booster Scholarship

Our band booster scholarship(s) are awarded to help graduating seniors continue their music performance education in college.  For all the details, see the Scholarships page from the band handbook.
Send your submissions to by 5/8.


Have a great week!

Go Eagles!


AND a word from Mr. Sayre...

Hello Eagles!

Our Spring Trip was a wild success! Mr Snowden and I would like to publicly extend our deepest gratitude to our AWESOME chaperones Anne Claspell, Beth Whiston, Farley Gutierrez, Jeremy Dencklau, Judie Youngman, Neil Smith, and Robby Claspell.  We would also like to thank the man that made this whole trip possible, JP Bowdoin.  Mr. Bowdoin’s commitment to bringing these types of experiences for the students by volunteering his time and energy for you is a profound example of service and dedication to the EHS Band program.  We hope that his shining example of volunteerism is carried for many years to come by many more people.  Thank you Mr. Bowdoin, for this gift of your time and expertise for our community.  The students have been AMAZING on this trip and I feel much more at ease knowing that. We can start looking for options for next year’s trip.  We have some BIG possibilities for next year!  

This last month and a half will happen fast! It’s worth reminding you, our community and students, that while many other programs and classes are gearing down for the end of the year we still have a great deal of work before we can relax.  We have spring concerts, graduation ceremonies, meet and greets for incoming students, a band banquet, budget planning, and next year’s show selection! 

Since many of us missed the last few days of school. The expectation is that you will go to school Monday (even if you are tired from the trip).  Tuesday is our recital day during zero and first.  Students will play their solos and small ensembles for their classmates.  Monday is a good day to make sure you and your group are ready to play.  

Coming up in the next few weeks:

Here is the plan for the week. 


Mr. Sayre