
Berufskolleg Schloß Neuhaus

Paderborn, Germany

The Vocational College Schloß Neuhaus (BKSN) is a regionally networked commercial vocational college in Paderborn with around 105 colleagues and 1.750 students. Around 1.000 students are taught in the vocational training courses (bank clerk, office management clerk, administrative clerk, tax clerk, dental clerk, medical clerk and lawyer / notary clerk). Around 750 students attend the full-time courses of two-year vocational school (higher commercial school), one-year vocational school (commercial school) and the vocational high school for computer science / mathematics.

The educational offer is completed by the technical college for economics, in which employed persons can obtain the state-certified business economist degree. The degree is equivalent to the bachelor's degree.

The BKSN has many cooperation partners in the regional economy and is closely linked to the private University of Applied Sciences for Business (FHDW) and the University of Paderborn.

Centrum Kształcenia Zawodowego i Ustawicznego nr 3 “Ekonomik”

Zielona Góra , Poland

Our school was founded 75 years ago. Invariably, it is very popular and appreciated by both students and parents. We gain knowledge, skills and experience here. We do internships in Poland and abroad, we establish contacts with colleagues from friendly schools. We travel around Europe as part of EU projects such as Socrates Comenius, Youth, Leonardo da Vinci or Erasmus +. We have already visited Germany, Portugal, Italy, Spain, Greece, Great Britain, and some of us even went to China for internships.

We learn in modern classrooms equipped with the best equipment to gain qualifications in the following professions: economic technician, logistics technician, freight forwarder, trade technician, hotel industry technician and tourism organization technician. We achieve excellent educational results, which is confirmed by the results of competitions and olympics, as well as nationwide rankings of the best schools, in which we rank high every year.

Ekonomik is an extremely friendly place for young people. We make sure that teachers, parents and students themselves have an impact on decisions about the school. Our school council is very active, young people sit on the School Council, regularly speak out on issues that are important to them.

Together with teachers, students organize many cultural events, such as theater performances, concerts, exhibitions and even fashion shows. We are very active in volunteering, we are willing to help others. There are also many outstanding athletes among us.

Our school creates a space not only for acquiring knowledge and skills, but also for developing passion and making friends. Many of our graduates like to visit Ekonomik after graduation, remembering the time spent at school as the most beautiful time in their life.

IES EL Astillero

Astillero, Spain

The Secondary School El Astillero is a public school located in El Astillero, a town with a population over 18,000 inhabitants, 7 km. far from Santander, the capital of the region, which has an international airport. Our autonomous region is called Cantabria, centered around the port of Santander on the northern coast of Spain. 

We currently have aprox. 600 students between 12-18 years old and 73 teachers. The participants on the Erasmus+ project are from 1st and 2nd course of baccalaureate (16-18 years old). In previous courses some have been in the Bilingual Program in English: a programme that introduces CLIL methodology in Geography and History, Music, Arts, Technology, ITs, and Physical Education and with 2 extra hours of English per week. The idea of the IES el Astillero is to start and develop Erasmus programmes to promote European citizenship and mobility amongst our students and staff.

Cantabria belongs to Green Spain, the name given to the strip of land between the Bay of Biscay and the Cantabrian Mountains, so called because of its particularly lush vegetation, due to the wet and moderate oceanic climate. The prehistoric cave paintings at Altamira are one of the most famous attractions in Cantabria. Very close to Altamira is the wonderful cobbled town of Santillana del Mar and further west is Comillas which also has a lovely old town with some unexpected Gaudi architecture (El Capricho de Gaudí).

 IISS „Pertini-Anelli” , Italy

IIS Pertini-Anelli is a secondary technical economic and language institution which was set up in 1973 and after several fusions and resizing is now made up of two different schools: I.T.E.T “Sandro Pertini” in turi (Bari)  and I.T.E.T “ Franco Anelli" in Castellana (Bari). The school is attended by 455 students  and the staff is made up of 57 teachers and other 17 members of staff. The programmes covered at IISS Pertini are the following: 1. Finance Marketing and Management; 2. Tourism; 3. International Marketing Relationship 4. Business Information Technology Systems; Finance Marketing and Management. The languages studied at IISS Pertini are : English, German, Spanish, French and Italian. Our school aims to promote the educational success of all pupils enrolled and special attention is paid to create a climate of dialogue and communication between teachers and students, whose age ranges from 13 to 19.