EIS-J Parent Support Group
Mission for the group:
The PSG supports the development of the EISJ Community by cooperating to enrich the lives of the students, guiding parents towards a better understanding of the school vision and to supporting the school in endeavours to improve.
Meeting schedule - Meetings at 8am in the High School Library or online
PSG 1 - Meeting 23rd September - Link to video
Coffee Mornings - 7th October and 4th November
PSG 2 - Meeting 20th January - Online
Coffee mornings - 3rd Feb and 3rd March
PSG 3 - Meeting 21st April
Coffee Mornings 5th May and 2nd June
More info on the role can be on the Information Page
Please note that other school policies can be found at https://www.eischools.ae/jumeirah/policies
Communication Strategy
EISJ Contact Guide.pdf