Welcome to Kindergarten

Win Ferguson is proud to be a Leader in Me school! Our class will be learning all about the 7 Habits and how to use them at school and at home too! Please feel free to look on the main school website for some great information about the 7 Habits. Click here for more information www.winferguson.ca/leader-in-me.

Students will also be introduced to the story "Have you Filled a Bucket Today?" by Carol McCloud. It is a wonderful story about how to "fill someone's bucket" and do kind things for others. We will discuss "bucket dipping" and how that makes people feel. You will be amazed at the way your child relates to this story. If you have any questions about it or would like to see it, feel free to ask!

We will also be reading "Heartprints" by P.K. Hallinan and learning about "heartprints" and "heart wrinkles". When we make someone sad, we make a "wrinkle", but when we do something kind, it leaves a "heartprint" forever! Feel free to ask about this wonderful story too! We will refer to these beautiful stories throughout our Kindergarten year.