Concert One


by Marcelline Moody adapted by Andy Funke

Aliens have traveled from far, far away in deep space to learn all about Christmastime. Once they have landed at the North Pole, Santa, the reindeer, and the elves take them on a tour of the north pole to learn about some of the traditions we like to celebrate at Christmastime.

Classes: Suggested Concert Attire

  • All Kindergarten "Christmas best" & optional: santa/elf/reindeer hats
  • Grade One Jampen and DaCosta "Christmas best" & optional: santa/elf/ hats
  • Grade Two Hamilton and Bienert "Christmas best" & optional: santa/elf/ hats
  • Grade Two/Three Massey "Christmas best" & optional: santa/elf/ hats - "Alien" attire!
  • Grade Three Perry "Christmas best" & optional: santa/elf/ hats - "Alien" attire!

Concert One begins at 6:45 PM

Concert 1 Parent Entrance is the East Entrance marked as “Entrance # 4” (marked in red on the map). The doors will be locked until 6:15 pm. This is for two reasons. To begin with, there is no supervision for children before 6:15 pm. Secondly, it is not our building and we need teachers available to supervise children in order to make sure the building is in the same condition as it was when we arrived.

  1. Concert 1 students arrive no later than 6:45 pm and proceed directly to the Student Area (Fellowship Hall). (area labelled green on attached map) Please have only 1 parent drop of your child to help alleviate congestion.
  2. Parents of Concert 1 students head into the Auditorium for the performance. Enter the Auditorium through the entrances/exits marked in red.
  3. At the conclusion of the performance please allow the students to exit first through the entrances/exits marked in red.
    1. If you only have children in Concert 1
      1. When exiting the Auditorium please use the entrances/exits marked in red on the map, proceed to the Student Area (Fellowship Hall) (labelled green on the map). Please pick up your children inside the Student Area (Fellowship Hall) quickly and quietly so that Concert 2 can begin promptly. Please have only 1 parent pick up your child to alleviate congestion. Please clear the Student Area (Fellowship Hall) and Lobby as quickly and quietly as possible to allow Concert 2 to begin on time.
    2. If you have children in Concert 2
      1. Concert 1 students whose parents need to stay and watch Concert 2 will watch a Christmas Movie in the Student Area (Fellowship Hall) with teacher supervision while Concert 2 is in progress.
Floorplan Parents - Concert 1.pdf

If you have a child or children that are only featured in one of the two concerts, please do not attend the other concert to allow more room for those directly involved. Again, we thank you for your help and support in this matter.

We request help moving risers, tables, handbells, and instruments. If you are able to volunteer please contact Mr. Funke or Mr. Russell.

There will be a silver collection at the door in order to help cover the costs of the church rental.

If you have any questions please contact your child’s teacher or the school for more information/clarification.

Thank You

Andy Funke