Read, Write 4 Google

Read, Write 4 Google (RW4G) is a technology assist for helping student with reading and writing as it provides speech-to-text and text-to-speech support for students. It also provides support for marking up (annotating or coding) text. Text mark up is a wonderful strategy for supporting students in their thinking as they read. Below are resources related to RW4G and some application ideas.

RW4G Task Sheet - this will walk you through using RW4G

More How To Resources for RW4G are available in this Google Classroom run by Diane Moltzan and Crew. The join code is: qy2czf

Reading Strategy - Coding Text

Annotation Strategy

Annotation Rubric (This rubric is used as with the first assignment in a EPSB a large HS department. Every teacher in the department assigns and grades a student annotation assignment. This provides a common assignment, some common reading expectations and allows for easy course changes in the first week of school because the first assignment is common.)