program philosphy


Program Goals:
The athletic program at Ardrossan Junior/Senior High School is concerned with the development of the individual and athlete as a whole.  The program is designed to challenge the students to develop personal successes in various athletics, while also encouraging the formation of a value system that includes fair play, integrity, and respect.  With a positive learning experience being ensured by knowledgeable coaches and administrators at the helm, the program will promote excellence in the area of competitive athletics.  It is important that each "Bison" athlete understand that winning is important, however, how we achieve that win is much more important.

Program Objectives:
a) The development of physical skills and a strong self concept which will enable participation in a wide variety of athletics at a highly competitive level;
b) The development of social skills which promote exemplary standards of behaviour and positive relationships with others in a competitive atmosphere;
c) The instalment of knowledgeable coaches with positive attitudes that facilitate a positive learning environment for athletes to develop in;
d) The development of an excellent communication base with athletes, parents, coaches, and the press so as to facilitate the programs successfully;
e) Provide access to home based competitions and tournaments designed to challenge athletes, showcase our athletics, and above all, provide enjoyment to our student body

Katelyn Monea - Senior High Athletic Director
Michael Gordulic - Junior High Athletic Director