Here you can find TONS of information regarding wellness & well-being. Take a quick wellness self-assessment to see what areas you are absolutely killing it & some you might need a bit of support in. If you do need support - that's totally OK - there are oodles of resources on the Hub or reach out to Me  if you'd like someone to walk along side you! Parents & Caregivers - this goes for you too! I am more then happy to help and am here for you, SILCFAM! 

Take Charge!


This year, let's take charge of our Health & Well-being. Clicking the link to the left will provide you with several amazing resources for Managing Health Conditions such as Anxiety, Autism Spectrum Disorders, Back Pain, COVID-19  Anxiety, Migraines & more, as well as information on Holistic Practices and a Health & Well-Being Assessment. #SILCFAM, let's Take Charge this year & make our Health & Well-Being a priority!

Resources on the Domains of Wellness 

Wellness Work Books & Self-Assessments 

Interested in some self-reflective learning on the 8 domains of Wellness? If so, feel free to reach out to me & I would be glad to work through the Wellness Self-Assessment with you (you too, parents!)

Grades K-8

Kid Compass Grades K-2 (1).pdf
Kid Compass Grades 3-5.pdf
Kid Compass Grades 6-8 (1).pdf
Kid Compass Self-Reflection Tool.pdf

Grades 9-12 

The Teen Compass Wellness Notebook (1).pdf
Teen Self Assessment.pdf

Parents & Caregivers

Parent Wellness Compass.pdf
Parent Self Assessment.pdf