Wellness Tips

Apps for Mental Health

MoodTools: If you are feeling sad, anxious, or depressed, lift your mood with MoodTools! MoodTools is designed to help you combat depression and alleviate your negative moods, aiding you on your road to recovery. 

FearTools: An evidence-based app designed to help you combat anxiety, aiding you on your road to recovery. This application is especially useful for those suffering from Generalized Anxiety Disorder, Phobias, and Social Anxiety Disorder. 

HealthyMinds: Backed by four decades of research from world-renowned neuroscientist Dr. Richard Davidson and his team at the Center for Healthy Minds at the University of Wisconsin - Madison & Healthy Minds Innovations, the Healthy Minds Program trains your mind through meditation and podcast-style lessons to develop skills - to gain focus, reduce stress, and maintain positive social connections. 

Breathwrks: Breathwrk is a simple yet powerful way to alleviate stress and anxiety, fall asleep faster, energize yourself, or improve endurance. Learn and feel the power of breathing with guided exercises that are backed by science and research. We teach the same techniques used by Olympic Athletes, Psychologists, Yoga Experts, Navy SEALs, and Zen Masters.

Tapping Solutions:


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Movement for Mental Health