
How to Import Non-English Characters in a CSV File

The Store Manager will:

  1. Export the current product database from Shopify.

  2. Rename the CSV file with this format: [Country]_Shopify_Products_[DDMMYY] (ex. SG_Shopify_Products_040221

  3. Save this as a backup file in your respective Shopify folder on Google Drive (ex. Shopify > Shopify SG > CSV Backup).

  4. Duplicate the file and make the changes on the duplicate. Follow this file name format: Import_[Country]_Shopify_Products_[DDMMYY] (ex. Import_SG_Shopify_Products_040221

  5. Key in the non-English characters (CN/VN/TH) in the CSV file. Shopify encodes non-English characters to unreadable symbols. Make sure to remove all the encoded data (ex. yuan-brightening-lotion-透亮乳) to avoid importing unwanted symbols/characters.

  6. Once done, save the file as "CSV UTF-8 (Comma delimited) (*.csv)" to ensure the non-English characters will be retained and imported to Shopify as is.

  7. Double check the information before importing. Review the pricing and inventory.

  8. Import the CSV UTF-8 file to Shopify. Tick the overwrite box.

  9. Once import is done, review the modified information on the live website to check for errors. If you spot any errors, make the corrections on the same CSV file, save as CSV UTF-8, then import back again to Shopify. Do not edit directly on the Shopify product page.

Note: Do not change the handle in the CSV file as new handles will only create duplicate files instead of overwriting the existing products. The handle is Shopify's unique ID for products.