Fernwood Middle School Library

Mrs. Sarah Lenko, Library Media Specialist

Welcome to the Library!

*The Fernwood Middle School library provides a flexible schedule for students and teachers.
*Students use the Library for book and internet research, computer access and checking out books for pleasure and for assignments.
* Students visit the Library with their classroom teachers, and also may visit the Library during homeroom, Lunch, and WIN periods.
*Teachers sign-up to use the Library facilities for book and internet research, special projects and book exchange time.
*6th Grade English teachers bring students into the library for library instruction and book exchange approximately every two weeks.


Contact Mrs. Lenko

609-383-3355 x1591



CLASS CODE: bsa74at

Important Links

Search for books!

Facts on File

Ebooks & Audiobooks

Atlantic County Library

Library Procedures & Rules

Library Procedures

*Students need a digital pass from a teacher any time they come to the library on their own.


*Food and drinks are not permitted in the library.


*Please notify the librarian immediately if you have a problem with a computer. DO NOT TRY TO FIX IT YOURSELF!


*Be respectful of others and work quietly in the library.


Circulation Policy

*All students may check out two books of their choosing at a time.


*Students should have their ID card and/or ID number to check out a book.


*Library books are checked out for two weeks at a time, and may be renewed up to 2 times unless there is a hold on the book.


*YA (Young Adult) Books are available to 7th and 8th Grade students ONLY. There are no exceptions to this rule.


*6th grade classes are brought to the library by their teacher every 2 weeks for library instruction and book exchange.


Overdue/Lost/Damaged Books 

*Students are responsible for taking care of their books and for paying to have a lost or damaged book replaced.

*If a book is lost or damaged, a student can not check out additional books until the fine has been handled.


*Outstanding library fines can result in withholding your report card at the end of the year.