French with Madame Baird

Please scroll to the bottom of this webpage for important documents and notes about the classroom and grading!  Thank you!

Fernwood offers two levels of French at the middle school level -  Fundamentals and Honors.  

No matter which level you are in, you will learn to speak, read, write, and understand the language!

Welcome to Fernwood French!

Bonjour! My name is Madame Baird and I will be your child's 7th and 8th grade French teacher. This is my 19th year teaching in the EHT District and my 15th year at the middle school level. 

 My goal for this website is to keep all parents and guardians updated with pertinent information that will assist you in understanding how class works. This information will also be available on our Google Classroom and I will do my best to send monthly emails home.  

I want to thank you in advance for your patience, support, and communication as we all navigate our way through our school year!

Below are important documents that I have shared with your child through the Google Classroom that I encourage you to look at if you have time!

Here's to an amazing and successful school year!! :)

Click on the resources (in bold) below that you may find useful for our French adventure!  Please note, things may change and I will do my best to update as quickly as possible!

Please email me at if you have any concerns!