Week 31 & 32
Week 31
DAY 142-143
MON - Passion Projects (8:10-11:09), Period 6, Period 8 TUES - Passion Projects (8:10-11:09), Period 5, Period 7TUESDAY CLASS
NCAA Tourney Picks
Remind to have parents fill out the Syllabus agreement form that is on Google Classroom. DUE TODAY! Will mark as zero next week.
Talk about Fire, Tornado, Lockdown procedures.
Help those finish tech graphic assignment for 5 minutes.
Instagram Story Picture Assignment
you must use your chromebook and take at least 3 pictures of yourself posing somewhere in the school. Pick a different spot in the school for each picture. Pick a different pose for each picture. You can work with a group of no more than 3 people to help you take the picture with your chromebook. Be sure to take your own pictures with your own chromebook. NO PICTURES IN THE BATHROOMS!
We will then use PIXLR, Cooltext, and photoscissors to create our own Instagram 3 picture photo story to turn in.
DAY 144 - 145
Wednesday = Professional Development DayNo Class due to Passion Projects
DAY 146
FRI - Normal Monday 8 Period ScheduleTOTALALITY ECLIPSE VIDEOS
Casey Neistat - Eclipse Video
Week 32
DAY 147
SOLAR ECLIPSE DAY (Totality)No School
DAY 148 - 149
How to log in
How to start an email
Do not press tab.
Put persons email in last.
Know the difference between an attachment and inserting a picture.
Go over screen, buttons, Drafts, and signature.
Go over Theme, Contacts, Groups, Tasks
Email Etiquette Info
Email Etiquette Info
Go over History of Email Graphic
Set up G-mail Signatures.
DAY 150 - 151
Email Etiquette Assignment
Play the Blooket Test Review Twice
Must use your first and last name as your nickname when playing the game. Lessons (1)
Set-up and explain
1-Minute Typing Test
3-Minute Typing Test
Introduction To typing
Parts of a Computer
What makes a computer run
Nitro Type