Features & Apps to Use with Twitter


  • How to Create Twitter Lists - If you want a quick way to read Tweets from groups of your favorite Tweeters, checkout the option to create Lists. You can subscribe to other people's Lists to find more Tweeters to follow.
  • Twitter Moment - Moments are a compilation of Tweets around a topic.


  • TweetDeck - "TweetDeck gives the Twitter experience more flexibility by letting you view multiple timelines in one easy interface. It includes a host of features to help advanced users get the most of Twitter: manage multiple Twitter accounts, schedule Tweets for posting in the future, build Tweet collections, and more."
  • Paper.li - "Paper.li is a content curation service that let's you turn socially shared content into beautiful online newspapers and newsletters. But more than that, it's an easy to use, powerful tool that helps you save time by surfacing content (blogs, articles, sites, video,images) and people who are interested in the same topics that you are!" Sample: @ssandifer's Connected Learning Daily
  • Storify - Allows you to easily compile Tweets into a story. Sample: @ibMrB's Storify from a #CWPchat - Now More Than Ever: Empowerment Through Writing