EGUSD student data privacy

legal compliance for Online learning Resources

In a rapidly changing digital age, understanding how to protect personal information, online privacy and electronic data is a vital skill and one that is a main focus of the Elk Grove Unified School District, and an essential component of EGUSD's Digital Citizenship Program.

The information in this website outlines the laws that EGUSD complies with, along with documentation that will assist in keeping student data safe. The district has made large investments in technology that offer EGUSD students, teachers and staff online resources that can be tailored for individual instruction, self-guided research, and collaboration.

EGUSD uses software and services from various vendors and providers. Some of the services are licensed by the district and are used only on district-owned devices, while some are hosted on non-EGUSD servers and reside on non-EGUSD devices. Student information may be stored in these systems to facilitate use by district staff, students and teachers.

The responsibility of protecting our students' data privacy is a collaborative effort (laws, companies/vendors/services, students, teachers, staff and parents) and a top priority.

Who Uses Student Data?

There are three fundamental questions related to the privacy of student data.

By understanding these, you can begin to see why they raise so many privacy concerns, as well as why this is a difficult issue to address.

  1. When and what kind of information can an online service provider or other commercial entity request from a student?

  2. What kind of data can an online service provider collect about a student as they are using the service?

  3. Who controls use of the data and what can the service provider do with data about a student, whether it is data given to the service provider or collected by the service provider?

Sources: Data Quality Campaign and Making Sense of Student Data - By Bob Moore RJM Strategies, LLC