What is LagunAMAZING?

LagunAMAZING is a school culture project Ms. McKean started in February 2018 to increase JOY and COMMUNICATION at LCHS.

Ms. McKean graduated from LCHS in 2009. She loved her time as a student and wanted to find a way to help others see and love Laguna Creek the way she does. The very first thing LagunAMAZING ever did was LagunAMAZING thank you notes where students can write staff members thank you notes! Anyone can write one at any time. All you need to do is fill out the Google Form on the Joy page =)

 If you have any questions about LagunAMAZING and/or want to help out, please contact Ms. McKean through @LagunaCreekHS on Instagram or by emailing her at amckean@egusd.net.


This Week at the Creek

This Week at the Creek

This Month at LC

This Month at LC

LCHS Campus

LCHS Campus.mp4

Campus Clean-up Crew

We meet Tuesdays during CAT & Thursdays after school 

For Tuesdays during CAT, you need to sign up ahead of time. 

For Thursdays after school, you do NOT need to sign up - just go to Ms. McKean's classroom, I-19.




School Phone #: (916) 683-1339

Office Hours during the school year: Monday - Friday 8:15 AM - 4 PM