General Information


1. You must have a current ID CARD to check out library items and to use the library computers. New or replacement of lost ID cards is done by the LIBRARY. Cost for a replacement card is $3.00.

2. You may check out up to 3 books at a time.

3. Books may be checked out for 3 weeks. Return library items on time – look at DUE DATE slip.

4. The library is a QUIET place to read, study, and complete school work.

5. FOOD, GUM, and DRINKS are not allowed in the library.

6. Always ask BEFORE you PRINT or make copies. There may be a cost for printing/copies.

7. Follow ALL school rules. Be Safe, Be Respectful, and Be Responsible.


1. You are on the No Activities List because you have late/overdue library materials and/or unpaid library fines.

2. To clear off the No Activities List, return all late/overdue library materials and/or pay unpaid library fines.

3. The list is updated and posted every month on the window of the Student Store and Library. Check to make sure you are not on the No Activities List.

4. Any questions? Come to the library.


Please return all library materials, textbooks, and/or pay all fines owed. It is the STUDENT'S RESPONSIBILITY to clear his or her library account. Thank you.