
What Kinds of scholarships can you get?

Many scholarships are geared towards groups of people who need the financial assistance to cover tuition or they can be merit-based (you earn them by meeting or exceeding certain standards set by scholarship giver). Scholarships can help make up the difference! Scholarships are free money. You don’t have to work for them or pay them back. 

 Here are some reasons you may be a good match for a scholarship. 

family situation.

When do I apply for scholarships?


Each scholarship has its own requirements and will determine the dates of registering and due dates. When applying for a scholarship, carefully fill out completely and meet the application deadline.

How Will I receive My Scholarship Money?

This will depend on the scholarship and/or organization, the scholarship provider will tell you what to expect and inform you when you’re awarded. The money can either go directly to your college (which will apply to your tuition fees) or can be directly sent to you in a check.

2022-2023 Scholarships List

Scholarship Websites: