Joining ASB
Want to be a part of ASB?
ASB members must be leaders. The qualities of a good leader include honesty, trustworthiness, responsibility, reliability, willingness to work hard, humility, respect for both adults and fellow students, and school pride. You must have at least a 3.0 GPA, be in good academic standing, and maintain high academic and personal standards, both on and off campus. Proper leadership requires being RESPONSIBLE, RESPECTFUL, HONORABLE and ENGAGED.
To find out about ASB’s roles and functions, getting into ASB, or getting involved at Cosumnes Oaks High School, ask someone who is in ASB or ask Mrs. Henderson. Feel free to come by the Activities Room adjacent to the MP Room during lunch to ask as well.
Applications are usually released for appointed or elected positions the first week of January and due two weeks later. If you are interested in joining, be on the lookout for these!