Create your own storyboards!

Learn to use professional-level Toonboom harmony software.

Applying for College?

If you are looking for a career in the arts, animation is for you!

Advanced Animation

This rigorous, advanced course is designed to prepare highly motivated students to become responsible enough to manage demanding and time-consuming studio work. This course will include intensive study in the production of three-dimensional and two-dimensional animation. It will include an in-depth study of theory, techniques, and philosophy of the students' animation production development. An emphasis will be placed on aesthetics, script writing, and motion. This class will provide an opportunity for the student's work to be viewed by representatives of animation studios and colleges. This course may be repeated for a maximum of 20 credits. 

Field Trip to the Walt Disney Family Museum 

Get a chance to tour the world famous  museum dedicated to the life and work of Walt Disney in San Francisco.

Our students are next to the original Bambi Poster.

Walt Disney Family Museum. 

Create your own short-film!

For the duration of Advanced Animation, students are encouraged to spend both terms working on a 5 minute short film. Students can either work in groups or solo projects. Using professional level software, students from this class often get passing grades on their Art Portfolios and get offered jobs!

24 HR Annual Marathon

Compete in a 24 Hour Animation Marathon! Your group needs to make a 30-second short film about a topic that is announced through YouTube Live! Last year's topic was AI and two teams from our program went head to head with 500 other schools, from grades 6 and up, including colleges. Our Intermediate Animation students won 2nd place overall in the high school category! The groups were, Ritz Crackers and Tenacious Trendsetters, with five students in each group. Here are a few animation screenshots of their entries.