Fun Facts

- Recycling one aluminum can saves enough energy to run a television for 3 hours.

- If all newspaper was recycled we would save about 25 million trees per year.

- Each hour, Americans throw away 2,500,000 plastic bottles.

- The average person could recycle over 25,000 cans throughout their lifetime if he or she recycled consistently.

- Over 28 billion glass jars and bottles wind up in landfills annually. This piles up equivalently to the size of the Empire State Building every 1.5 weeks.

- Recycling 100 aluminum cans saves enough energy to keep the lights on in your bedroom for two weeks.

- Paper products make up approximately %40 of our trash.

- Styrofoam is recyclable, but most recycling centers do not accept it in their recycling programs, because it's too expensive to recreate new items with styrofoam.

- We generate 21.5 million tons of food waste each year. If we composted that food, it would reduce the same amount as taking 2 million cars off the road.

- Over 87% of Americans have access to curbside or drop-off paper recycling programs.