E-Learning Plan

EGF ISD 595 E-Learning Plan

Please check Google Classroom for the day's E-Learning Assignment.  

Assignments will be in Google Classroom on an E-Learning day by 9:15 AM.

Thank you,

Michelle Stenberg

(Updated on November 8, 2023

Goals and Guidelines for eLearning Days 

To optimize a learning opportunity afforded by State of MN legislation: The 2017 Legislature has amended the Length of School Year; Hours of Instruction (Minn. Stat. § 120A.414) to include the option of a school utilizing e-learning days: 

● Due to inclement weather 

● Up to five days in one school year 

● Counted as an instructional day and included as hours of instruction 

● Ability to provide continuity of instruction during non-student days 

The following is the district’s plan for utilizing this opportunity for continued learning in case of inclement weather: 

In the development of the e-learning Plan, the school district centered discussions on the following key aspects: 

● Keep the student at the center of all of our discussions 

● Ensure that instruction and learning will be maximized 

● Satisfy the state required elements for an eLearning plan 

What is eLearning? 

eLearning involves online or teacher-prepared lessons that students do when away due to school closure. By using one-to-one devices for students in grades 6-12 and by making provisions for students without such devices, East Grand Forks Public Schools recognizes that education can continue even when students and teachers are not in the same location. Along with emphasizing the value of learning, the eLearning initiative encourages character growth in the areas of self-sufficiency, adaptability, and perseverance. By completing eLearning activities and/or lessons, students are meeting attendance expectations. 

What are the Goals of the EGF ISD 595 eLearning Plan? 

1.) To minimize the disruption to academic progress caused by school closures by making these out-of-school days educationally productive. 

2.) To continue to allow students in grades 6-12 an opportunity to practice the kind of flexible learning that is increasingly part of both college study and workplace training.

How Will Families Be Notified That eLearning is Expected? 

If a regular school day is canceled, families, teachers, and students will receive an announcement about eLearning expectations through the Apptegy school messaging system. If possible, the implementation of an eLearning Day will be broadcast in conjunction with the school closing announcements on radio, television, and other school district social media platforms. 

What Will Teachers Do To Prepare for eLearning Days? 

Teachers of K-5: 

■ Teachers will prepare and place assignments and instructions in the Wave Packetthat will be distributed early in the school year. A variety of learning activities will be provided that will take approximately 20 minutes each to complete. 

■ eLearning Day lessons/assignments may integrate with the student’s regular class work as much as possible -- with everyone understanding these factors: 

● Learning involves the repetition of skills and revisiting of concepts. 

Wave Packets for K-5 students are necessarily assembled prior to an eLearning Day. Therefore, assignments may not directly relate to a topic or skill covered the day before the eLearning Day. 

● Students will have up to 3 days to complete the assigned work. 

● Teachers, along with students and parents, are asked to remember that eLearning Days are designed to be flexible; if a student struggles with a concept or assignment and is unable to complete the work that day, teachers will communicate with the student the 

the following day about how to meet requirements. Please note: Teachers will be available electronically or by phone to answer questions as needed between 9:15 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. on the eLearning Day. 

Teachers of Grades 6-12 

■ Teachers will familiarize students with Google Classroom, Zoom or Google Meet, and/or their school district provided email account so that they will know how to be directed to their learning activities. 

■ eLearning Day lessons/assignments may integrate with the student’s regular class work as much as possible. 

■ Teachers, along with students and parents, are asked to remember that eLearning Days are designed to be flexible: If a student struggles with a concept or assignment and is unable to complete the work that day, teachers will communicate with the student the following day about how to meet requirements. Please note: Teachers will be available electronically or by phone to answer questions as needed between 9:15 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. on the eLearning Day.

What If a 6-12 Student Does Not Have Internet Access at Home? 

● Teachers will be designing eLearning lessons that can be completed offline for those who do not have internet access at home. 

How will EGF ISD 595 address the concerns of students with special needs? 

● Working with the parent, student, and teacher, the Special Education case manager will establish a plan to follow for the student when/if an eLearning Day is called. 

● Early in the academic year, the key stakeholders (case manager, parent, teacher, and student) will collaborate to create the plan. 

● On an eLearning Day, the classroom teacher will be the main resource for help on assignments and lessons. If a child ordinarily leaves the classroom and goes to another teacher for math, reading, or some other subject, then that teacher should design the eLearning Day assignment for the particular area. 

● While an eLearning Day plan cannot completely replicate an in-session school day, efforts will be made to provide the support needed by particular students. For instance, if reading is a challenge for a student and the student has online access, the teacher may assign tasks on sites that will read text aloud. 

● Like all students, the student with special needs and his/her parent may contact the teacher via their school district provided email account. On eLearning Days, teachers will check their email regularly from 8:30 AM to 3:00 PM. Any additional arrangements for communication involving students and teachers and/or parents and teachers should be described in the plan. Such arrangements need to be designed in view of the teacher’s other obligations and with the intention of meeting the student’s and family’s needs. 

How can Parents Help Support Student Success with eLearning? 

● Parents should visit with their child’s teachers about how eLearning Days will be handled for their classes and work out special arrangements, if needed, for a particular student. 

● Parents should contact teachers directly with any questions, concerns, or frustrations they may have regarding eLearning Day assignments. 

● Parents, along with teachers and students, are asked to remember that eLearning Days are designed to be flexible: If a child struggles with a concept or assignment and is unable to complete the work that day, parents should remind their son or daughter to communicate with the teacher the next day about how to meet requirements.

How Will eLearning Days Work? 

The designated school district communications system (Apptegy) will notify parents of the eLearning Day. 

K-5 students and/or parents will refer to their “Wave Packet” found on SeeSaw/Google Classroom or as previously provided by the classroom teacher. 

Grades 6-12 teachers will post plans for each course using their flexible learning tools. Please consider that unforeseen circumstances (on the part of the teacher) may occur, and there will be no negative consequences for students. 

Students and/or parents may contact teachers with any questions or concerns about their eLearning Day work via email and/or voicemail messages. 

On eLearning Days, teachers will check their email regularly from 9:15 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. Students, along with teachers and parents, are asked to remember that eLearning Days are designed to be flexible: If a student struggles with a concept or assignment they have three days to complete the work and can talk with their teacher to assist with any struggles. 

How does eLearning work in the modified block schedule at the Senior High?

How Might eLearning Days Impact the School Calendar? 

State statute limits the number of eLearning Days to five school days per year. Anything beyond that will be subject to School Board review. 


Need for both flexibility and expectation of success: The District understands that students may have a variety of responsibilities at home during eLearning Days and that families may not have access to the Internet. However, the expectation is that students will complete assignments within three days of the eLearning Day to be recorded as present on the eLearning day.