Distance Learning

Dear parents, guardians, and scholars:

I know these are unparalleled times and we are trying to navigate the ever-evolving changes that shift our reality day to day. I want you to know that I am here for you and that we will forge forward with grace, kindness, respect, and understanding. I also want you to know that as your teacher, I aim to provide avenues to education that keep you moving forward, provide structure, and help you build connections through the use of technology. Do not be afraid to reach out if you feel out of your element, don’t understand a technology tool, or have general questions or concerns about anything.

Here are some basics:

- All announcements, assignments, and materials will be posted to Google Classroom by 9am each day. It is very important that you are checking Classroom and going back to read any posts or announcements you may have missed.

- The video conference platform will be Zoom. Any active instruction will be recorded and posted to classroom, any assigned discussion will have an alternative (though the live discussions are rich and much more engaging).

- Daily office hours are from 9:00am-11:00am and 1:00pm-3:00pm or by appointment (I can accommodate evening hours if needed). This time can be used to ask questions, raise concerns, talk through materials, and connect. I will be available for chat through Google Hangout or we can meet for a video conference if you’d like.

- My email address is nmatchettwagner@egf.k12.mn.us

o This is the preferred method of communication.

o This email address can also be used to locate me on Google Hangouts for chat and video conferencing. This email address is also linked to my Zoom account.

Together, we will get through this. Please do not hesitate to reach out for any reason – I would love to chat or video conference with you!

Nicole Matchett Wagner