Epping Forest EdTech Study Tour and Expo on June 11th.

As part of the EdTechHubs Events, Epping Forest Schools Partnership Trust will be hosting an EdTechHubs Study tour in the morning followed by the inaugural Epping Forest Expo.

You can find out more about the EdTechHubs via the link on the right.

Hosted at Staples Road Primary School, the EdTech Hub tours aims to explore 'Levelling Up the Classroom: Embracing Digital Change'  

Epping Forest EdTech Study Tour

Explore how digital change can be embedded into an already digitally competent setting from EY to KS2.

Join us for an immersive event designed to introduce the tools and strategies to transform your classroom into a vibrant digital hub of learning alongside a developing Trust digital strategy.

The event will focus on how a developing a digital strategy can be implemented whilst incorporating existing teaching and learning practice.


EdTech Study Tour Agenda

10:30am: Welcome & introduction

10:50am: Welcome to Staples Road and Meet the Practitioners (Trust)

11:10am School tour and classroom visits

12:00pm: Digital Leaders Roundtable

12:30pm: Lunch

1:30pm: Panel session with Ty Goddard

2:00pm: Close / Expo Prep 

Epping Forest EXPO

In addition to the EdTechHub event, you are invited to join the Epping Forest EdTech EXPO starting straight after this event in collaboration with LGfL, Google & NCCE London, Essex & Hertfordshire. 

With talks, workshops, a Tech Village full of EdTech companies and the Digital Leader City hosted by Digital Leaders from across the Trust.

The presentation to the right highlights the complete agenda and breakout sessions.

EFSPT EdTech Expo Agenda & Breakout Session Details

If you wish to join us from outside EFSPT, Complete the Google Form to the right to secure your place for the EdTech Hub & Epping Forest Expo