Ways to Help

1. Volunteer in the classroom.

2. Read the information that comes home with your child. There are often opportunities to help with school events, field trips, and special projects.

3. Support the PTA. The PTA is a wonderful organization that organizes both community building and fundraising events at our school.

4. LIMIT SCREEN TIME!!! INSTEAD: Work with your child at home . . . it is a GREAT way to help! The list of ideas is endless; below please find some general tips to help you get started.

Help your child learn and practice their address, area code and telephone number, and tying their own shoes.

READ! Reading to your child, modeling reading skills, and encouraging a love of reading will benefit them for a lifetime!

Play outdoor games (jumping rope, skipping, bouncing the ball).

Play indoor games (manipulating small objects builds small motor skills).

Reinforce numbers, letters, and letter/sound relationships.

Practice “sight words” of the English language (those that occur frequently in reading/writing and/or cannot be sounded out).

How You Can Help Your Child Be a Better Person!

This article gives some great suggestions on what you can do at home and the reasoning behind why these actions are important.
