Using One-time COdes for Multi-Factor Authentication

Initial Enrollment

To generate backup codes to use as second form of authentication, you must first enroll in 2-Step Verification.

During the enrollment process, select "Phone" as the registration method. You will only have to receive a text or phone call during the initial registration, after which you can generate authentication codes that can be printed out for future use.

Note: You must use a phone number that can be dialed directly from outside of the district.

To get started with initial enrollment, click here.

Generating Codes

Click here for steps to generate authentication codes.

Important Info:

  • Each backup code can only be used one time.

  • You can generate 10 backup codes at a time. When a new set of codes is created, any previously-created codes will no longer work.

Need to make changes to your settings after enrollment? You can change phone numbers and other settings at any time after enrollment by going to

For more information about what multi-factor authentication is and how it provides protection, please visit this this page from Google.