Sanford Science 2023.24 

WELCOME BACK!!! I'll be honest - every year I get excited when school supplies hit the shelves at Target!  I am so excited for this school year and I hope you are too!

I utilize Google Classroom for lectures, in class work/ homework.  Each student should know that in the event of an absence all postings of due dates and assignments takes place in Google Classroom, so even if you are not in class, you can see what has been happening and keep up with the work going on in class! 

Each course I teach is listed above in its own tab, as well as the best ways to contact me!  In this tab you will find all the access codes to the online resources I use.  This serves a a one stop shop to get connected to my course!

Cheers to another amazing year of science at Oak Ridge High School!

What do I NEED to start the School Year?


I use an Interactive notebook in my classes as part of the AVID strategies I bring to science.  Want to learn more about AVID?  There is a TAB up above!

8.5 X 11 THREE SUBJECT NOTEBOOK.  (IT MUST BE 8.5 X11 - make sure!  there are 7.5 X 10 inch notebooks that will be on sale, but they WON'T WORK!) 

WHITE LIQUID GLUE - Yep - the white stuff.... we will revisit our elementary skills of proper gluing (less is always better) to build our notebooks! NO GLUESTICKS...we found the glue dries and the papers fall out.

COLOR!  Color pens, pencils, markers - whatever you feel will fire neurons and engage your brain in learning!


Good quality, 3-ring binder - 2, 2½, or 3 inch with pockets in front/back

Anything smaller than 2 inches is too small and unacceptable.

5-6 subject dividers to separate each academic class + elective (if needed) + paper Dividers, NOT folders.

1 pocket folder to hold papers with no holes 

This is for Temporary storage until papers can be hole punched and organized properly in binder :)

Zippered pencil pouch to store supplies in binder 

College ruled binder paper 

In AVID you will have a binder for all your classes that will be checked for organization and completion as part of your grade.  As part of the organizational strategies we ask that each student have a large binder with tabs for each course.  This will support the organization strategies we will be teaching in AVID.