Ponderosa High School
Bruin Choirs

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Class Codes:

Concert Choir: @2324PHSCC 

General Chorus: @2324PHSGC

Chamber Choir: @2324PHSCH

Vocal Jazz: @2324PHSVJ

Interested in joining the Boosters Club?

We need the Boosters in order to do all the amazing things that us Bruin Singers consider critical parts of our program. Without Boosters, we couldn't hold any fundraisers, go on trips such as District Choral Festival and Spring Trip, or even have Cabaret! Are you interested in joining this amazing team and making Ponderosa Choir possible?

Contact Mr. Mason or our current Boosters president, Alison Harnden!

Follow us on social media!

We have Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, and TikTok!


2023-2024 Ponderosa Bruin Choir Sponsors

(Gifts of $300+)

Anonymous Donor

(Gifts of $150 to $299)

Anonymous Donor

(Gifts of $75 to $149)

Raul & Rachelle Padilla

Todd Frazee & Julie Leo

Angela & Joseph Thuesen

Buenaventura Lustan

Paul & Shelly Johnson

Brett & Melissa Cherrington

The Hollister Family

Jennifer Parks

Michelle Erb

(Gifts up to $74)

Jason & Christine Oliver

Become a Sponsor

Donor Levels

Friend – Gifts up to $74

Donors may remain anonymous if requested

Harmony – Gifts of $75 to $149

Donors may remain anonymous if requested

Ensemble – Gifts of $150 to $299

Donors may remain anonymous if requested

Maestro – Gifts of $300+

Donors may remain anonymous if requested

Calendar Key

SB – Singing Bruins (All Choirs)

CC – Concert Choir

GC – General Chorus

BC – Baritone Chorus

VJ – Vocal Jazz

CH – Chamber Choir

Did you know? You can add this calendar to your device! Contact Mr. Mason if you need help.