What is Bite-Sized PD?

Bite-Sized PD is a website made for teachers to get QUICK professional development on something they are curious about during their prep, during lunch, or even during break time.

The information shared is with a goal to be easily understood and "bite-sized" around 15 minutes at your own pace.

Please see the different archived categories above to browse past Bite-Sized PD or check out the latest update below!

If you ever have any questions or want to collaborate with your teacher librarian on any PD you see here, please let the teacher librarian at your school know!

Latest Bite-Sized PD - Updated 6/4/2020

Trustworthy Sources for Controversial Issueses

Category: Research Resources

QUICK OVERVIEW: Opposing Viewpoints by Gale and SIRS Issues Researcher by ProQuest are essential databases for research projects about current controversial topics.

RESOURCES NEEDED: Just the presentation and the link to your school's Gale and ProQuest accounts

Author: Donna Martin, ORHS

This website is maintained by the Teacher Librarians of the El Dorado Union High School District

Donna Martin, ORHS / Jennifer Zimny, PHS/ Virginia Hamilton, UMHS/ Amy Linden EDHS

Last updated: 5/15/2020