Help page

If you need assistance, please email us!

If you have finished the training series, please click here to notify us and to provide feedback.

If you need instructions on how to get a gmail account or link your existing email, please click here

You can watch a helpful video on using google classroom here.

Using Google Classroom

Get a google account or gmail address here

Or watch a video about how to connect your email to a google account here

How to Use Google Classroom for Students

You can watch a helpful video on using google classroom here.

Here are the class codes for each class.

Advocacy 1.1 Course code: 5qa6f4z or click here:

Advocacy 1.2 Course code: yustd5s or click here:

Advocacy 1.3: Course code: zas2xr7 or click here:

School Boards: 2.1 Course code 57vxvyb or click here:

School Boards 2.2. Course code pnvobpu or click here:

For individuals who have completed the coursework and would like to use these resources in your community, we have a Train the Trainer packet. This contains a script to accompany each slide and align with all of the handouts or activities. Please email us here if you are interested.