Year Five 2025

Welcome to the WPPS Online Year 5 digital notice board. This website will be used for term outlines, homework, and other year level related matters. All forms requiring payment will only be issued via Compass. You may contact us on the following email addresses: 

Term One Dates





Specialist Timetable


Mon P.E 9.50 - 10.40am

   Library 12.30pm

Tues L.O.T.E 12.30 - 1.20pm

       Art 1.20 - 2.10pm

Thurs P.E 9.00 - 9.50am

    Performing Arts 9.50 - 10.40am


Mon P.E 10.40 - 11.30am

    Library 1.20pm

Tues Art 12.30 - 1.20pm

         L.O.T.E 1.20 - 2.10pm

Thurs Performing Arts 9.00 - 9.50am

           P.E 9.50 - 10.40am

Google Classroom

Google Classroom is our platform for student learning, collaboration, and organisation.

Click here or on the image to access our Google Classroom for 2025.

Class code: wwllx2r

Learning Overview - Term One


Reading: Students will be introduced to novel study, beginning with the book A Series of Unfortunate Events. Each week, students will read a section of the novel. To consolidate this knowledge and demonstrate their understanding of the characters, plot, and themes within the book, students will then respond to comprehension questions and engage in group discussions. 

Writing: This term, students will revise the structures and features of narrative and persuasive text types. Students will hone their skills to plan, draft, edit, and publish pieces of writing from both text types, using topics and themes from our novel study as their prompt. 

Spelling: Students will continue with the Spelling Mastery program. At the end of each week, they will participate in a spelling test.


During the term, students will focus on the following topics: place value, the four operations, orders of operations, finishing with an introduction to fractions. Students will take part in explicit teaching lessons that are differentiated, as well as open-ended activities.

Science: Seeing the Light 

In term one, our physical science unit 'Seeing the Light' will explore the transfer of light and understand that light from a source forms shadows and can be absorbed, reflected and refracted. 

Humanities - Civics & Citizenship: The Path to Australian Democracy 

Students will be introduced and study the key values of Australia’s liberal democratic system of government and the key institutions of Australia’s democratic government, including state/territory and federal parliaments, and the court system. Students will learn about representative democracy and the voting processes in Australia. Students expand on their knowledge of the law by studying how laws impact the lives of citizens as well as how state/territory and federal laws are made in a parliamentary system. Students investigate the role of groups in our community and examine the rights and responsibilities of Australian citizens. They explore the obligations that people may have as global citizens.

Further Resources