Welcome to the WPPS Online Year Six level digital notice boards. These websites will be used for Term outlines, homework and year level and class related matters. All forms requiring payment will only be issued via Compass. You may contact us on the following email addresses:

Julie Carlson -

James Feather -

Richard Abell -

YEAR 6 NEWS - Term 4 2024

Welcome to Term 4. 

We hope everyone has had an enjoyable break in preparation for an 11-week term. 

The Year 6 team is committed to providing a high-quality teaching and learning program that helps to best prepare your children for their transition to high school.

 Please check the diary dates at the bottom of this page and make sure you have them on your calendar. 

Year 6 team

6B James Feather/Richard Abell and 6A Julie Carlson

                        PLEASE NOTE: UNIFORM SHOP DATES

                 Last Friday of every month.


All homework is posted on Google Classroom each Monday.


Upcoming Events


Mon 07.10

     First Day of Term Four - Students Return

Mon 14.10 

     Division Athletics

Wed 16.10

     Yr 6 John Monash Science Program Session 4 of 4

     Yr 5/6 Camp Parent Information Session 4pm-4.30pm 

Fri 25.10 

     WPPS F-6 Colour Fun Run 2:00-3:15pm 

Mon 28.10

    School Performance Dress Rehearsal @ Besen Centre 

Tue 29.10

     6.30pm School Performance @ Besen Centre


Fri 1.11 

     Colour Fun Run Prize Ordering Opens

Mon 4.11 Curriculum Day 

Tue 5.11 Public Holiday - Melbourne Cup Day

     WPPS Fun Run Prize Ordering Closes 

Wed 13.11 - Fri 15.11

     Yr 5/6 Phillip Island Adventure Camp

Mon 25.11

     JMSS Science Fair Exhibition Night 6-8pm


Mon 2.12

     Yr 6 Bike Ride 

Fri 6.12

     Whole School Swimming Program begins

     9.15 Assembly - cancelled

Tue 10.12

     Statewide Transition Day 

Wed 11.12

     Yr 6 Funfields Excursion

Thu 12.12

     5-6pm Yr 6 Graduation
    6.30 - 8.30pm - Grad Dinner @ Bennettswood Bowling Club  

Fri 13.12 

     Reports home to parents/go live

     9.15 Assembly - cancelled

     2.00 - 3.30pm  Carols in the gym 

Wed 18.12 

     Whole School Swimming Program ends 

Thu 19.12

     2.35pm Whole School - Final Assembly 

Fri 20.12 

     Last Day - Cleaning Day  1:30pm finish   

     9.15 Assembly - cancelled

     No canteen

Literacy: Students will continue to develop their fluency and comprehension skills through daily reading activities including Reader's Workshop and Writer's Workshop. They will experience a range of text types, focusing on various reading strategies. Students will continue to build on their skills at each stage of the writing process. This term, there will be a focus on persuasive and narrative writing. In spelling, students will continue working through the Spelling Mastery program. They will also engage in activities that develop phonological knowledge (sounds), morphemic patterns (meaning), orthographic knowledge (letters), and etymological strategies (word origin studies). Students will participate in various activities to develop their word knowledge and vocabulary, including language origins and structured word inquiries.

Mathematics: In Mathematics, students will take part in explicit teaching lessons that are differentiated as well as open-ended activities. Term 4 topics include: Shape, Number & Algebra, Data Representation & Interpretation, Money and Financial Mathematics and many more.

Science: In Term Four, the Year 6’s will be investigating energy from a variety of sources which can be used to generate electricity; electric circuits enable this energy to be transferred to another place and then to be transformed into another form of energy. They will study the differences between renewable and non-renewable energy - they will work with a group to present to the class about one type of renewable energy. Students will explore circuit features, for example, wires and switches, and electrical devices such as light globes, LED lights, solar lights and motors. They will build an LED light which will be sent overseas to children living in energy poverty.

 Transition: Any questions regarding high school transition can be directed to Julie Carlson (6A Teacher):


Google Classroom is our platform for student learning, collaboration, and organisation.

Click on the image to access our Google Classroom for 2024. 

(WPPS login and password required)

Tickets will go on sale 9am, Wednesday 16th October, via the Trybooking QR code or via