Year Three 2025
Welcome to the WPPS Online Year Three Digital Noticeboard
These websites will be used for Term outlines, Homework, Student of the Week notices and year level and class related matters. All forms requiring payment will only be issued via Compass. You may contact us on the following email addresses:
3A - Dominic Monea (Mon- Thurs)
3A- Annmaria Antonino (Fri)
3B- Monica Woodhouse
Key Dates
Tuesday 18th Kitchen and Garden with Volunteers
Thursday 27th - School Photos
Wednesday 5th - Year 3 and 4 Cybersafety Session
Monday 10th - Public Holiday - Labour Day
Wednesday 12th - NAPLAN Begins - Writing
Thursday 13th - Reading
Tuesday 18th - Conventions of Language
Wednesday 19th - Numeracy
Make Up Days
14.3, 17.3, 20.3 and 21.3
Tuesday 25th - Year 3/4 Sports Gala Day
(Volunteers Required)
Friday 28th - Crazy Colour Fun Run 2:30-3:30PM
Easter Egg Run 10:40AM
Friday 4th - Last Day 2:30PM finish
NAPLAN Testing
The National Assessment Program – Literacy and Numeracy (NAPLAN) is a literacy and numeracy assessment that involves students in Years 3, 5, 7 and 9. It is the only national assessment all Australia students undertake. The NAPLAN tests will be conducted on Wednesday 12th March, Thursday 13th March, Tuesday 18th March and Wednesday 19th March. If students are absent there will be make up days on the 14th, 17th, 20th and 21st of March.
NAPLAN assesses skills in Literacy and Numeracy that are developed over time through the school curriculum. It is a one off assessment that provides some further insights into each student’s reading, writing, language conventions (spelling, punctuation and grammar) and numeracy skills.
NAPLAN is not a pass or fail type test, but rather shows how students are progressing in Numeracy and Literacy skills against national standards for all Australia children. It also provides valuable information that allows schools and governments to better target effort and support to help all students achieve their potential and acquire the basic skills to help them build successful and happy lives.
All students are expected to participate in these tests. Some students with very specific circumstances may be exempted from participating in the tests
NAPLAN has been transitioning to online delivery for several years. Only Year 3 students will continue to complete the writing test on paper. NAPLAN Online tests include a range of question formats and interactive features. Students answer questions by clicking, typing and dragging; some questions include audio or interactive tools; all questions can be reviewed and answered, or flagged and returned to later. In advance of taking NAPLAN Online, students are encouraged to explore the public demonstration site tests for their year level in order to familiarise themselves with the different items types, as well as features of the test player.
The best way you can help your child prepare for NAPLAN is to let them know that NAPLAN is just one part of their school program, and to urge them to simply do the best they can on the day. We have included this informative article HERE from parenting educator, Michael Grose, with some helpful hints about helping students prepare for NAPLAN tests.
An individual student NAPLAN report will be issued by the school later this year.
If you any questions regarding NAPLAN, please email or speak to your child’s classroom teacher.
Term One Overview
Through reading daily, students will continue to develop their reading fluency and word recognition. Students will also strengthen and extend their comprehension skills focussing on summarising, predicting, questioning and making connections.
Students will be explicitly taught and have the opportunity to practise the purpose, structure and features of writing narratives, persuasive and procedural texts. Touch typing through ‘Typing Club’ will also form part of students’ experience. Students will practise their editing skills and check for correct grammar, punctuation and spelling in their writing.
Students will continue with the Spelling Mastery Program, aimed at improving and enhancing their spelling skills. This program utilises different methods such as phonemic, whole-word, and morphemic strategies to reinforce spelling abilities.
Our focus in Mathematics continues to be one that targets ‘real life’ skills. One of the aims of the program will be for students to understand the purpose and importance of Mathematics in their lives and be able to apply a range of concepts to understand what they encounter on a daily basis. Topics covered included Place Value, Addition and Subtraction, Fractions and general revision of concepts that have been taught previously.
Science: - ‘Night & Day’
This topic is about why we experience day, night and the seasons. Students will study the relationship between the Earth, Moon and Sun. They will learn about the Earth’s axis and orbit and they will observe and understand the changing appearance of the Sun and the Moon in the sky.