Year 1/2 2025

Welcome to the WPPS Online Year 1/2 Digital Notice Board. 

This website will be used for Term outlines, Homework, Student of the Week notices and year level and class related matters. 

All forms requiring payment will only be issued via Compass. You may contact us on the following emails:

1/2 A - Mel Downes -

1/2 B - Poorva Bansal -

1/2 C - Samantha Teng (Mon/Tues) -

1/2 C - Anna Saaksjarvi (Wed/Thurs/Fri) - 

Welcome To Term One 2025!!!

Key Dates





Term One Overview

Year 1/2 Schedule

What's Happening In The Classroom


In reading and writing, we place a strong focus on explicit, systematic instruction in core literacy skills. These include word-level reading, word-level spelling, oral reading fluency, handwriting and syntax. Using the latest research on evidence-based techniques, we will utilise a range of texts to model text comprehension and explicitly teach content vocabulary while building on students' subject/content knowledge. 

Our daily Sounds-Write phonics program will help enhance students' reading and spelling abilities. As students advance through the year levels, they will apply, develop, and refine these essential skills in increasingly sophisticated ways. 


In Mathematics, students will take part in explicit teaching lessons, differentiated and open-ended activities.  


'My Family Back in Time'- Students will research their own personal family past. Students will locate their family origins and learn how to represent their personal history in the form of a family tree.


'Push-pull'- This unit provides students with opportunities to investigate, observe and gather evidence about how forces act in air and water as well as on the ground. Students will identify the effect of the pull of gravity and learn that both air and water can 'push'. 

Further Resources