
2022 Prep Calendar.pdf

Puff the magic dragon

Listen to the story ‘Puff the magic dragon’ . Then follow the instructions to make your own dragon.

Video of how to make dragon:


- paper towel roll OR toilet roll

- Green paper

- Red, orange OR yellow tissue paper

- Green pom poms

- Googly eyes

- Scissors

- Glue stick

- Ruler

- pencil


1. Measure and cut the green paper to fit the paper towel/toilet paper roll. Glue the green paper to the roll.

2. Glue the googly eyes to the pom poms (you can use the glue stick). Then glue the pom poms to the back of the paper roll.

3. Glue the other pom poms to the front of the paper roll (should look like nostrils).

4. Cut the tissue paper into strips.

5. Using the glue stick, add some glue to the inside of the paper roll near the nostrils. Then stick on the tissue paper.

6. You have made your own dragon. Blow through the hole to make the fire move.

Mosaic name


- Black or white paper with child’s name written on it.

- Coloured paper ripped into small pieces

- Glue stick


1. Write child’s name on the black or white paper. Make sure their name is written big.

Using the glue stick get your child to stick the piece of coloured paper onto their name. Continue until the name is completely covered with coloured paper.


Shark paper plate

Sing or listen to the song ‘Baby Shark’. Then follow the instructions to make your own shark.

Video of how to make shark:


- Paper plate

- 2 googly eyes (or you can draw the eyes with a black texta)

- Blue paper

- Blue paint

- Red paint

- Paint brush

- Scissors

- Glue stick


1. Cut a fin shape out of the blue paper.

2. Cut off the rim of the paper plate. Then fold the paper plate in half.

3. Cut triangles out of the edge of the paper plate. This should look like shark teeth.

4. Paint the outside of the paper plate blue.

5. Paint the inside of the plate red.

Glue the eyes and fin to the top of the shark.