Toorak Primary School's Virtual Art Show 2020

As we are unable to host our usual biannual Toorak Primary School Art Show on site, we are celebrating the creative achievements of our students with this online gallery. Thank you to the students for their amazing efforts throughout this year, under very challenging circumstances. We hope you enjoy the fantastic artworks on display.

Susan Tate & Kathleen Benham

"Creative People are curious, flexible, persistent and independent, with a tremendous spirit of adventure and a love of play". Henri Matisse

"Every child is an artist. The challenge is to remain an artist after you grow up". Pablo Picasso

Visitor comments:

  • This art show is amazing! So many cool artworks!

  • Amazing! We loved the artwork, there were so many creative pieces. Well done Mrs Tate and Mrs Benham and all the students of Toorak Primary School!

- From 5B