Week 10, Term 2

Calendar Dates:



Prinicpal's Report

Dear CNPS families,


With one week of term to go, I am sure many of the teachers and students are looking forward to the mid-year break!  It has been another busy and productive week at CNPS, with some senior students heading off to Division Football and Netball today.  I believe there was an equal win/loss ratio, and plenty of enjoyment!  Thank you to Jamie Bright for coaching the football team, and to Hannah Ryan for coaching the netball team.  Thanks to Jay Dobell and Shari Bright for assistance with the teams today as well – we appreciate you braving the weather!



We sent home a note today with eldest students, with a summary of upcoming Performing Arts experiences happening across the school over the next term, commencing with a senior student performance workshop on Monday at CNPS.  Nicci has compiled a description of the activities, and provided a cost per child, depending on year level.  Please keep an eye out for more information next term.  Thank you Nicci, for organising an engaging program for all the students.  For those new to our school this year, we have a whole-school concert every second year (2023, 2025, etc) and in the other years, we have Artist in Residence and/or similar performing arts experiences for students across the year levels.  We look forward to hearing more about these events over the next couple of months.  


PREP 2025

Yes, sorry, another reminder about enrolments for next year!  If you have a child starting school next year, please come to the office to collect an enrolment form as soon as you can (before end of term if possible).  If you can’t make it to the school, please email me, or Jan, and we can arrange to get a form sent to you.  We are looking to confirm enrolment numbers at the end of July, which is early in Term 3. 



We are about to submit a second application for an upgrade to our basketball court area (after an unsuccessful application earlier this year).  This is through the Victorian School Building Authority (VSBA), and these upgrade rounds are available for all schools to apply for, so they are very competitive.  We are also waiting to hear about a couple of small applications to improve our Food Garden, through Junior Landcare.  Thank you to School Councillor Jodi Newcombe, and RAP Working group member Lori Arthur, for their work with this.



A reminder, that on the last day of term next Friday June 28, students will be dismissed at 2.30pm.


Have a great weekend,


Sam C

Library News

Please return all books to the library by next Friday for the end of term stocktake.


Thanks, Angela

SRC News

Hello parents/carers,  

 On Tuesday 25 of June, we are having a crazy hair day to raise money for MAAWs (Mount Alexander Animal Welfare Shelter) MAAWs is our local animal shelter that promotes the welfare of native wildlife and domestic animals. Think of your craziest hairstyles and most importantly HAVE FUN!!!!!!! Hope to see you Tuesday with a crazy look. 

- The SRC 

Prep News

Hello from the Prep rooms, 


This week in Literacy we have continued reading and writing words ending in double consonants ff, ll, ss and zz, commonly known as the ‘FSZL gang’. We have continued to practise writing sentences independently, including writing on the lines, putting spaces between the words and using full stops at the end of a sentence. In Maths we have continued our focus of addition this week. We have been drawing pictures, writing number sentences and using number lines to solve different problems. 


Thank you to all families for helping with our BQT STEAM Challenge this week by researching an animal. On Thursday, students shared their information and then created their animal and it’s habitat/environment. It was AMAZING to see the creative ideas everyone used to create their models. We hope you enjoyed seeing them when they brought them home. 


We have a busy week next week with many fun activities for the students. On Monday we are excited to celebrate Milo’s Birthday Party. We look forward to seeing everyone dressed up as a character and celebrating his birthday with party games and food. On Tuesday it’s Crazy Hair Day and we look forward to seeing everyone come to school with crazy hair. Our Learning Journals will also go home and parents will have access to reports. 


Have a great weekend, 


Nicole and Lauren 

 1.2 News

Hello from the Golden Wattle Building! 

After investigating our Big Question of ‘How can we explore the world?’ all term, we’ve started to take things further. Students have been practising their research and collaboration skills by working in a small group to create their own weather report and news broadcast.  We are looking forward to seeing these presentations next week! 

This week in Literacy, we’ve continued to read and explore the features of narratives; looking at characters, settings and the structure a good story uses to draw the reader in.  We used this knowledge when writing our own narratives and practiced editing and uplevelling our story to make it more interesting.  We also found out more information about some of our classmates.  Well done to Bella (1/2S), Ben (1/2SB) and Torben (1/2W) who shared their Star of the Week posters with courage and confidence! 

In Maths we have been developing efficient addition and subtraction strategies using number lines. We had lots of fun exploring the concept of finding the difference between two measures when we measured and compared our height with a partner. 

As part of our Resilience, Rights and Respectful Relationships program we have been revising acts of friendship and kindness.  This helps us to identify emotions in others, empathise with others and suggests ways we can help other people. 

For our final week of Term Two we will be revising homophones, consolidating and reviewing some Maths knowledge and presenting our weather reports to the class.  Students will be presenting their weather reports/news broadcast on Thursday 27th June at 2:45pm. Families are very welcome to come and watch. 

You will have access to your child’s school report and learning journals next week.  Please take the time to share these with your child to celebrate their learning. 

Have a wonderful weekend! 

Wendy, Sarah, Bec and Sally 

3.4 News

Welcome to week 10. What a busy term this has been! 

In literacy this week, we have been continuing to read and do activities using our mentor text, Storm Boy. Our reading program has entailed teacher-led reading and discussions, paired prosody reading, using the text to show how character traits can be demonstrated through their actions, and how the author utilizes personification. 

Our writing focus has been on creating summary sentences and using subordinating conjunctions. 

Here are some writing samples: 

Now that Mr. Percival was healthy, Hide-Away could take them back to the sanctuary for the rest of their lives. 

Although Hide-Away told Storm Boy they had to release Mr. Percival, he came back the next day. 

When Mr. Percival returned to Storm Boy, a bright spark warmed his body knowing he could keep him. 

By  Nina 


Outside the humpy, the three pelicans woke up Storm Boy and Hide-Away by rattling their beaks noisily because they wanted to be fed. By August 


When Mr. Percival returned to Storm Boy, he was so happy. By Elijah 


When Mr. Percival returned to Storm Boy, he jumped with excitement. By Pavin 

During mathematics, we have been practicing our multiplication equations and beginning to transfer these strategies to measurement activities involved in finding area. 

Below, are some photos of a fun task called "1 Meter Line." This task involved drawing a series of 1-metre lines on an A4 piece of paper. Each line had a different challenge. The result: lots of measuring, calculations, and problem-solving. 

Next week is the final week of the semester. In literacy, we will endeavor to finish our mentor text, Storm Boy, as well as review our semester's work on spelling words and rules. During maths, we will be exploring symmetry, multiplication, and area problems. 

5.6 News 

What a fun week we had in 5/6 land! We'd like to start by acknowledging the tremendous effort that all of the 5/6 students have put into the semester. We are immensely proud of their achievements and the way they come to school eager to learn. We would also like to thank Jamie Bright and Shari Bright who coached the school football and netball teams respectively. Thank you for volunteering your time to help enrich the opportunities our students recieve. By all reports, the students had an absolute blast!

In Literacy this week we have continued to read our class novel, War Horse. We learnt about why WWI started in the first place, and the role Indigenous Australians played in the war. We also studied the morphemes clude/cluse. They are bound morphemes meaning they can't stand alone as a word. They mean to close/shut. 

We've also launched into the wonderful world of angles and the students have enjoyed using protractors to measure angles. We learnt about supplementary and complementary angles, reflex angles, and the different types of triangles. 

Next week, students will write a persuasive piece related to our War Horse studies, complete an angles artwork task in Maths, and complete a Brain Splat about all the learnings they have taken from our science unit this term!

Have a great weekend everyone!

Rhys, Sam, Liz, Jay, Hannah and Giovanna

Performing Arts News

Across the school we have been focusing on music. The Preps have been learning about pitch, dynamics and rhythm. We have been thinking about a variety of weather conditions by sound. This week they created a sound story where they thought about quiet/loud, fast/slow, high/low. 

The Grade 1/2s have been singing and playing instruments to well-known songs. We have sung and played Sally (or Bec, Sarah or Wendy) on the Seesaw, Au Clare De La Lune and There’s a Hole in the Bucket. 

The Grade 3/4s have been listening to classical music and thinking about mood, rhythm and tempo and dynamics. They've also been giving each classical piece a rating and reason.  


This week it was Beethoven's 5th Symphany and a few students from different classes shared a great joke 


“What is Beethoven’s favourite fruit?”  

“Ba - na- na – na" 


The Grade 5/6s have thought about characteristics of Traditional Australian Aboriginal music and then compared this to contemporary artists. Thinking about whether there are similarities or differences and influences from traditional music. 


There are some upcoming experiences to look out for in Performing Arts.  

Next Monday, 24th of June, students in grades 5/6 will have a teaching artist from Monkey Baa Theatre Company visit. Students will take part in a workshop in preparation for the performance of The Peasant Prince.  

And next term, on Tuesday 30th of July students in grade 3- 6 will be attending a play at The Capital Theatre in Bendigo. They will be seeing The Peasant Prince. This play tells the true story of a 10-year-old peasant boy’s journey from impoverished rural China to the international dance scene. This is a story of courage, resilience and unwavering hope. 

Values Awards

Prep N

Minka Drofenik - for the care and attention to detail you show to all classroom tasks. 

William Edwards - for your enthusiasm and confidence in sharing describing words in Literacy!

Prep E

Asha McClure - for the kind and caring way you look out for ways to help your classmates and keep our classroom organised. 

Elio Hynam-Smith - for sharing all your animal facts with the class this week during our BQT sessions. 

1/2 S

Jimmy Wiese - for the confident way you share your knowledge of the link between addition and subtraction. 

Lilah Gale - for the brave way you always ask questions to clarify your understanding. 

1/2 SB

Viv Rae - for your dedication and extra thought you're putting into your weather report.

Isaac Smtih - for the thoughtful way you offered to help others during Maths. 

1/2 W

Erica Nightingale - for the care and creativity you showed in your literature response. A beautiful piece of work. 

Monty Georgiou - for showing bravery and perseverance when working throught maths problems.

3/4 L

Sadie Breen - for always taking the time to ask questions when you're not sure. 

Rider McClure - you are such a pleasure to have in our class. Your beautiful smile can brighten any ones day!

Sid Wiese - for displaying strong leadership in our class and encouraging others to make strong choices. 

3/4 PS

Arlo Sherry - for sharing and contributing during class discussions. 

Arlen Jeyaratnam - for the joy and enthusiasm you bring to maths sessions. 

3/4 CN

Maxle Pye - for the thoughtful way you offered to tidy up our classroom. 

Ruben Baxter - for the courageous way you have been challenging yourself in Maths.

3/4 H

Aveline Cook - for your thoughtful appreciation and kindness you show to others. 

Dylan Lindley - for the wonderful engagement and enthusiasm you have shown in maths. 

5/6 HG

Hazel Oxner - for being such an amazing team member and supporting others. 

Martin Flatz - for the way you contribute to small group discussions when working collaboratively. 

5/6 R

Thalia Anderson - for always being ready to learn and put yourself out of your comfort zone!

Harvey Ward - for the way you support others to be their best and make strong choices. 

5/6 J

Hamish Brown - for the enthusiastic way you referee the soccer games at recess and lunch. 

Adelaide Gardiner - for your attention to detail when drawing and labelling triangles in maths. 

5/6 SL

Tom Dorian - for the passion you have showen when sharing your ideas in class this week.

Joni Boylan - for the thoughtful way you have shared your ideas in class this week. 


Elke Hart - for the creative way in which you presented your Indonesian animal research. 

Stilt License

Adelaide Gardiner

Community Noticeboard

The Castlemaine Documentary Festival is having its tenth birthday next weekend 14-16 June... and there is something special in there for the kids.


Join us in our Yurt micro-cinema for a screening of Kids on the Silk Road, an engaging observational series that explores the lives of young people aged 10-14. 

These four films offer a close look at the daily struggles and ambitions of children from China, Azerbaijan, Pakistan, and Ukraine, providing a unique perspective on their world. Tickets are $10 for adults and $5 concession.


For more info | https://cdocff.com.au/full-program-2024/kids-on-the-silk-road/