Week 9, Term 2

Calendar Dates:


Prinicpal's Report

 Dear CNPS families,


A short report from me this week. 

Delay in NAPLAN results

There has been a delay in the availability of NAPLAN results for Grade Three and Five students. At this stage, we are hopeful that results will be available at the beginning of next term. We will let all families know when the results are available.

2025 enrolments

Please let any prospective families know that we are still taking enrolments for 2025. Prospective families are encouraged to book a school tour by emailing the school.

Maree Edwards visit

Last week, Maree Edwards visited CNPS to look at the state of our basketball court area. School council is working on developing a master plan and are keeping an eye out for grants that may help us create better learning environments for our community. We will be putting out some expressions of interest to support the school in the development of these plans.

Have a great weekend everyone,

Sam C


Prep News


Hello from the Prep rooms 



After an enjoyable long weekend, winter has well and truly set in this week, and we have been met with cold and wet days. The sandpits have been a hit and some interesting tunnels and holes have been enjoyed being built during recess and lunch time. 


This week in Literacy we have been investigating words ending in double consonants ff, ll, ss and zz, commonly known as the ‘FSZL gang’. We learnt when to use these codes when writing words containing them. We have been continuing to improve our confidence in writing on the lines, putting spaces between words and using full stops in the correct place. A highlight of the week was rereading “Milo’s Birthday Surprise” and discussing the book.  We completed a book review; including sharing our favourite characters, the things they like and writing about what they did at Milo’s Birthday party. We look forward to having Milo’s birthday party in the last week of term and seeing which character everyone is going to come dressed as. In Maths, we have been developing addition strategies and explored different way to solve addition problems such as using materials, drawing pictures and writing number sentences.  


Next week we will revise concepts taught this week by focusing on words containing the FSZL gang, writing amazing sentences and develop addition strategies by using number lines. We will finish off our Big Question with students choosing an animal and designing its habitat and sharing what it needs to help it survive in its environment. Look out for the homework task given to your child today which will help them complete this task at school next week. 


Have a great weekend, 


Nicole and Lauren 

 1.2 News

We have had a lovely week in literacy looking at books by Oliver Jeffers. If you haven’t come across him, he is definitely worth a search at the library. We have been looking at contractions as well as, what makes a good story. These narratives then fed into our STEAM work where the students had fun designing and making a star catcher. 

We have been looking at addition in Maths and have been playing the tic tac toe game with number facts. Ask your student to share their knowledge with you but be prepared for them to win! In our respectful relationship lessons we have been looking at emotional literacy and friendship. We have been thinking about what friendship means to us and what it looks like. During our Big Question work we have been looking at weather forecasts which was perfect timing for all of the rain – stay dry and have a lovely weekend! 

Wendy, Sarah, Bec and Sal 

3.4 News

This week has been an eventful one for the grade 3/4s, filled with fascinating experiments and hands-on learning! Both in maths and science, our students have been busy exploring and discovering new concepts in fun and engaging ways. 

In maths, the 3/4s have continued experimenting with fractions and sharpening their estimation skills. One of the standout activities from last week was creating beautiful snowflakes. After cutting out their intricate designs, students had to estimate if the amount of paper they had removed was more than, less than, or equal to half of the original piece. This led to lively discussions and some impressive estimations as students compared their snowflakes and shared their thoughts.

Looking ahead, our maths focus will shift to multiplication. We'll delve into various strategies and activities to build a strong foundation in this crucial area. The students are excited to start this new topic, and we anticipate it will be just as engaging and enriching as our recent exploration of fractions. 

In some of the 3/4 classrooms, scientific experiments have also taken centre stage. Hannah's class, 3/4H, delved into the world of physics by designing parachutes based on Galileo’s Theory of Motion. After researching and discussing Galileo's ideas, the students used classroom materials like scrap paper and string to create their parachutes. The excitement peaked during a competition to see whose parachute could safely land a little peg man the slowest. The students showed great creativity and engineering skills in their designs, and everyone cheered as they watched their parachutes in action. 

Reading has also been a highlight this week, with the 3/4s continuing their journey through the novel "Storm Boy" by Colin Thiele. The students are thoroughly enjoying the adventures of Storm Boy and his pelican friends, discussing themes of friendship, nature, and responsibility. As we continue reading next week, we look forward to more insightful conversations and connections to the characters and storyline. 

The hands-on activities in both maths and science, combined with our literary adventures, have deepened the students' understanding of complex concepts. The grade 3/4s have demonstrated incredible curiosity and teamwork throughout these experiments. Stay tuned for more exciting updates from our inquisitive grade 3/4s as they continue their journey of learning and discovery! 

Have a wonderful weekend! 

Hannah, Louise, Pete, Claire and Nicci 

5.6 News 

It has been a short but busy week in the Silver Banksia building. Students have been using survey data to make suggestions for improvements to the school’s outdoor spaces, demonstrating how data can be used as evidence to support an idea. In Science, we have looked at light refraction and explored interesting questions such as why do we see colour? We are continuing our study of War Horse with some particularly tender and touching moments coming up in the story this week.  

The big event of this week was the Castlemaine Secondary College experience day. We braced the cold to walk to CSC where students got to participate in either Art, Sport or Music and learn about how the Enrichment Program works at the College. Some students discovered talents that they didn’t know they had and we are looking forward to a second Experience Day on Wednesday next week! 

Stay warm! 

Liz, Sam, Hannah, Jayan, Rhys and Giovanna

Art News

These last few weeks students have been working on a Reconciliation week project, as well as starting our final projects for Term 2.  

For Reconciliation week Prep’s and grades 1/2 made a collaborative artwork that involved decorating many feathers to create one large Bundjil for each class. The colours and patterns made for a beautiful finished powerful looking eagle, they are on display in the prep and golden wattle buildings. Grades 3/4 designed and wrote a postcard to themselves reflecting on what they can do for reconciliation and what that may look like in the future. Grade’s 5/6 looked at the paintings by Vincent Namatjira and we read his book about his great grandfather Albert Namatjira. Each student has researched a First Nations person who has made a difference in the reconciliation process over time and painted an artwork with themselves sharing in a moment with this person who they admire.  

Preps have been practicing their letters with these cute alphabet soup drawings, and painting echidnas like Dulcie Sharp with pastel colours on black paper. Grade 1/2 have started a printmaking project, they are making collagraph prints of a home. The 3/4 s have started working with clay, making ice-creams inspired by Kenny Pittock.    

Values Awards

Prep N

Ari Roia - for you bravery and courage when preseting the weather report to the class. 

Jude Kelly - for the way you tried your hardest to solve additions in Maths. 

Prep E

Nina Powney - for always trying your hardest at all PMP activities. 

Hugo Cushing - for the way you always try your hardest when sounding out words to spel when writing independently.

1/2 S

George Clark - for the confident and enthusiastic way you taught the class a new game. 

Clancy Kelly - for bravely stepping our of your comfort zone when singing a song in French to the class. 

Grace Johnson Black - for the commitment you showed to your learning by completing your Big Write at home. 

1/2 SB

Frances Box - thank you for always approaching your learning with wonder and curiosity.

Elijah Greene - for always looking for, and accepting, challenges in Maths. 

1/2 W

Oden Radakovic - for your energy and enthusiasm working on your 'save the planet' leaflet.

Rosie Williams - for your beautiful and thoughtful 'save the planet' leaflet.

3/4 PS

Alba Markey - for your courage and enthusiasm when learning new multiplication strategies.

Evan McNeill - for having the courage to use feedback to improve your knowledge.


3/4 CN

Jack Tragardh - for the enthusiasm you show when reading. 

Beau Wills - for your thoughtful contributions to our 'Storm Boy' discussions.

3/4 H

Pippa Wilson - for using personification beautifully in your written sentences. 

Azia Drofenik - for facing challenges with a smile in maths. 


5/6 HG

Jess Hickey - for bravely sharing while at the 'Experience CSC' day. 

Monique Brown - for the way you communicate and interact with your classmates. 

5/6 R

Carys Rosestone - for always pursuing your personal best no matter who you work with. 

Archie Carson - for the care and thoughtfulness you show towards others during challenging times. 

5/6 J

Felicity Trevan - for the kind, generous way you support our younger students.

Dougie Wright - for your attention to detail when graphin our whole school data. 

5/6 SL

Clementine Stephens - for the thoughtful way y ou continue to support younger students in our school. 

Ted Cordy - for your focused approach towards classroom tasks, particularly in Maths!


Max Samkovski - for your hard work and effort you put into your animal research this week. 

Performing Arts

Moninque Brown - thank you for your insightful input during our discussion about this week's song lyrics. 

Community Noticeboard

The Castlemaine Documentary Festival is having its tenth birthday next weekend 14-16 June... and there is something special in there for the kids.


Join us in our Yurt micro-cinema for a screening of Kids on the Silk Road, an engaging observational series that explores the lives of young people aged 10-14. 

These four films offer a close look at the daily struggles and ambitions of children from China, Azerbaijan, Pakistan, and Ukraine, providing a unique perspective on their world. Tickets are $10 for adults and $5 concession.


For more info | https://cdocff.com.au/full-program-2024/kids-on-the-silk-road/