Week 7, Term 2

Calendar Dates:


Prinicpal's Report

 Dear CNPS families,


It has been a heartwarming week of learning and sharing for Reconciliation Week.  The Gr 1/2 and Gr 5/6 students shared powerful messages at this week’s assembly; they shared personal reflections and commitments around saying sorry and understanding anti-racism, as different to being “not racist”.  We will continue to explore the themes of truth-telling and respect for our First nations people and their culture, beyond this week of recognition.  



Today, the senior students enjoyed a big outing to Chewton, where we wandered along the Rec Walk trail, finishing at Me Mandook-Galk (the Grandmother tree).   Chewton Primary School curated the walk and the education stations along the way; it was so impressive, and I will write to the Chewton PS community to thank them on our behalf.  We have been given an artwork of the tree, and some paper leaves, for students to write their commitments to reconciliation; we will display this in the Silver Banksia building.  Thank you to Rebecca Capes-Baldwin and Jessie Boylan for joining us in the second group, and well done to our students for over 2 hrs of walking!


We welcomed Maree Edwards MP to CNPS for a short visit this morning; she was receptive to our “pitch” for various projects around the school that we require funding for, including the basketball court upgrade, and a portable building for after school care!  We are going to put a master plan together, to imagine all the school facilities improvements for the short/medium/long term.  Maree and her team were able to suggest a couple of avenues we can pursue for funding applications, and we will also contact our federal MP Lisa Chesters’ office, to share our hopes and dreams.  Watch this space!  Thanks to Kate, Ciel and Heather, for representing our parents in this meeting.



Thank you to our teachers for their efforts this week, meeting with parents for academic progress reports.  We will share student Semester 1 reports with parents during Week 11 of this term.  Please email your child’s teacher if you were not able to make a time this week.  Hannah Ryan and Louise O’Brien’s interviews have been rescheduled to next Thursday.  The booking link is available now.



Can I please ask for your support, in observing the CNPS uniform policy:


Thank you!



Congratulations to the following students who participated in the regional cross country at St Arnaud this week:


Have a great weekend,


Sam C

Library News


There are several students that overdue library books. 

Please return overdue library books  As Soon As Possible.  


Book club catalogues have been handed out. 

Book club is DUE THURSDAY 13th JUNE. 



Prep News


Hello from the Prep rooms!   


This week in Literacy, we were excited to meet the last of Milos’s friends, Max the fox (x) and Wilbur Whale and are now eagerly awaiting his surprise birthday party at school!  It’s amazing how many CVC (consonant, vowel, consonant) words we can read and write, now that we know all the letters of the alphabet and their sounds!  We have been introduced to writing books with lines and have been diligently practising where capital and lower-case letters sit on the line. We have been using descriptive words (adjectives) to create simple sentences that describe people, characters, or things. In Maths, we explored naming 3D shapes and sorted various objects from our environment into their corresponding  3D shape categories.      

As part of Reconciliation week, we visited to the Boorp Boorp Boondyil exhibition at The Castlemaine Market Building to learn more about the Dja Dja Wurrung history of the area.  We also read “Somebody’s Land” a picture story book by Adam Goodes and enjoyed discussing its themes.  

Thank you to all the parents who supported our Parent Teacher Interviews and took the time to discuss your child’s achievements.  If you were unable to attend your interview, please reach out to us to arrange a suitable time. 


Next week in Literacy, we will revise all letters and continue practising reading and writing words and sentences. We will focus on using capital letters, spacing between words, and correctly placing full stops.  We will also continue to use adjectives to describe nouns. In Maths, we will work on using language to describe the position and location of objects.   


Enjoy your weekend!  


Nicole and Lauren 

1/2 News

 Hello from the 1/2 Unit! 

Thank you to those families that have attended our Parent/Teacher interviews this week.  We really value the time to discuss your child’s learning and ways that we can continue to support them in our classrooms.  

In Literacy we recognized Reconciliation Week by sharing the Indigenous stories Open your heart to Country, Cunning Crow and Hello and Welcome. Through these stories we have been learning to identify fragments and sentences and have enjoyed writing our own sentences based on these beautiful books. We also got to find out more about our classmates, William (1/2S), Bertie (1/2SB) and Arthur (1/2W), during their Star of the Week presentations. 

This week has been all about money in Maths!  We have been busy recognizing coins and notes, ordering coins and notes according to their value, counting and adding collections of money and understanding that the same amount of money can be made up in many ways.   

As part of our Resilience, Rights and Respectful Relationships program students have been focusing on Stress Management.  Students have been able to identify and describe their own personal coping skills and discussed the ways in which we can use self-calming strategies to manage ourselves in stressful situations.  

Next week we will continue to look at converting fragments to sentences in Literacy, collecting data in Maths and begin preparing a weather report presentation as part of our big question,” How can we explore the world?”. 

Have a wonderful weekend! 

Wendy, Sarah, Bec and Sally 

3.4 News


Hello from the Ironbark team, 

In Literacy, we recognized Reconciliation Week by reading and writing about the two significant milestones in the reconciliation journey – the successful 1967 referendum and the High Court Mabo decision. We have also continued our reading and writing unit on force. Students have been enjoying the experiments that are connected to the Literacy sessions. 

In Maths, students have been exploring fractions and have completed some fun and engaging activities such as designing a flag that has ½ red, ¼ blue and ¼ yellow.  

As part of our Resilience, Rights and Respectful Relationships program, students have been focusing on self-calming strategies when they are faced with overwhelming strong emotions and the effectiveness of them when they are used regularly. 


Next week we will continue to explore fractions, and will begin our novel study of Storm boy!  

Have a wonderful weekend! 

The Ironbark team!  

5.6 News 

Week 7 has seen the 5/6s finish some amazing classroom learning such as planning a big day out in Melbourne and publishing an illustrated narrative, as well as completing some formal assessments as we approach the end of the semester. On Tuesday the students did a Cold Write and as always, we were so impressed with the depth and complexity of the creative stories our students dream up and express in writing. 

As part of our focus on Reconciliation Week, the 5/6 cohort broke into four groups that rotated around the four classrooms. We looked at the involvement of Indigenous soldiers in the world wars, the Stolen Generation, Indigenous science as well as the use of maps and symbols. On Friday we dressed in red, black and yellow and walked from Chewton Primary School to Me Mandook Galk, the Grandmother Tree. The excursion included some amazing cultural teaching and learning from Uncle Rick, Aunty Julie and several others. Thank you for such a wonderful opportunity. 

Over the last few weeks, we have been exploring physical sciences with a focus on energy and light. We are learning about what light, darkness and shadows are as well as how light travels and enables us to see. We’ve explored concepts such as reflective and non-reflective surfaces and even specular and diffuse reflection. Next week we will begin exploring refraction as well as heading off on an excursion to the Science and Technology Discovery Centre Bendigo to complete an electrical circuits workshop, gaze up at the cosmos in the planetarium and really understand how gravity works on the vertical slide!  

It was great to see so many parents at this week’s parent/teacher interviews and discuss the amazing progress your children are making! 

Sam K, Hannah, Jay, Liz, Giovanna and Mr Higgins 


Region Cross Country 

Congratulations to our seven athletes who competed at Region Cross Country this week. They achieved great results and we have four students progressing on to the State Cross Country in Term 3. 

Goldfields Division Soccer 

Our students have been training since Term 1 for this event on Friday 7th June. Thank you to Mr Scott, who gifts so much of his time and expertise to prepare our soccer teams. Notes have been handed out to students and are due back early next week. Parent/Carer assistance is required. 

Values Awards

Prep E

Dot McGuinness - for the way you always try your best at all of our PMP activities each week.

Isla Pratt - for the brave way you are having a go and trying to spell words when writing independently.

Prep N

Scout Vigo Hede - for the enthusiastic way you share your ideas and knowledge with the class. 

Isaac Sheedy - for the persistence and effort you are putting in to improve your handwriting. 


Mason Christopher - for your creative and entertaining cold write!

William Chaplin - for the hard work you have put into achieving your reading goal. 


Arlo Tragradh - for your positive atttiude and openmind to our learning in class. 

Xavier Bottomley - for the attitude you have had towards learning about money. 


Rosie Williams - for your passion when approaching our maths challenges. 

Harper Jeffreys - for you beautifully composed Cold Write. Your writers voice shone through. 


Freida Beckley - for the enthusiasm you showed when completing our fractions activity. 

Art Thomas-Lawrence - for the kind and thoughtful way you have been supporting a classmate. 


Magnus Envall - for your unwavering enthusiasm in outdoor games. 

Bexley Bright - for trying your best and reflecting on what you could do better. 


Caitlyn Yensch - for your enthusiasm and passion during our outside games. 

Emilia Haylock - for a fantastic start at CNPS! Welcome!


Rory Healy-Aarons - for the creative twist that you included in your planning and writing of your Cold Write. 

Hugo Aikins - for being so engaged and switched on in class. 


Louis Henderson - for the courage you displayed when sharing your experiences in RRRR.


Ada Turner - for the entertaining narrative you wrote for your Cold Write.

Chris Pilon-Sankey - for the way you have applied yourself when undertaking assessments. Well done!


Ffion Morris - for being determined to 'have a go' at your School Uniforms From Around The World, even when it was difficult.Well done!

Performing Arts

Xavier Bottomley - for respectfully following instructions and joining in with signing and playing claves.

Community Noticeboard