Week 8, Term 2

Calendar Dates:


Prinicpal's Report

 Dear CNPS families,


Dear CNPS Community,


Week 8 done, and only 3 weeks left of this term!  The teachers have been working hard on report writing (mostly needs to be done out of school hours), so if your child’s teacher looks a little more weary than usual… that is probably why!  The Gr 4-6 students have also been participating in the annual (statewide) “Attitudes to School Survey”; this is an online activity, where students are asked a range of questions about how they feel about their classroom, the school environment, their learning, and general wellbeing, and safety.  I look forward to sharing some results with everyone later this year.



School Council met on Wednesday night, and we discussed the challenges of getting our OSHC service off the ground.  The provider is still trying to source staff in our local area, and we are finding the long waiting time to be frustrating, as I know many of you will be feeling this too.  I have sent parents a link to the recruiting page for Uniting during the week; if you know of anyone who may be interested in applying, please share it with them!  Thank you.



We have some great work going on now, with parents assisting with our Reconciliation Action Plan, sourcing grants for garden projects, and planning fundraisers, such as the Fete.  The working group for our Fete in October are putting in a lot of hours, organising stalls and fun activities, and will be starting to do some call outs for spots that need filling.  Keep an eye on your emails, the newsletters, and class WhatsApp groups!  A big thank you to the parents who are supporting these projects, and a special shoutout to our passionate School Council members, who are a crucial link between parents and staff, by helping us to set priorities, and by supporting our messages to the community.



We have several sibling enrolments for Prep 2025 come through the office recently – thank you!  If there is anyone else who is yet to enrol, please come to the office and grab a form from Jan.  If you have any friends who are thinking of enrolling, please encourage them to email me to book a school tour.  We would like to have enrolments by the end of this term if possible.  We will however still accept enrolments in Term 3.


Enjoy the long weekend – see you on Tuesday!


Sam C


Library News

Prep News


Hello from the Prep rooms!   


This week in Literacy, we have been practising reading and writing all 26 letters of the Alphabet. We are practising writing on the lines, using finger spaces and our best handwriting when writing in our new lined Writing Books. In Maths we have been using directional language such as under, below, above, next to, near and around. We enjoyed making our very own map and hiding Buster’s Bone. We also made a flip book to show our understanding of different directional words. We hope you enjoyed reading our books when we brought them home. This week our STEAM Friday challenge was to build a bridge. We worked well together and even made our bridges strong enough to hold a book! For R.R.R.R. (Rights, Resilience and Respectful Relationships) this week we focused on positive coping. We thought of a time when we found something hard and shared things we can tell ourselves to help us keep going, just like the train in the story ‘The Little Train That Could’. 


A highlight this week was watching the Fire Brigade come and help rescue a magpie that was stuck in the tree on Monday. Whilst building its nest, the magpie got its leg tangled in wool and couldn’t get out. The two firemen climbed a ladder to rescue the bird and it flew away happily! 


Next week in Literacy we will be meeting the FSZL Gang and reading and writing words. We will continue practising our handwriting each day as we become more confident writing sentences and including full stops, spaces and capital letters at the beginning. In Maths we will focus on addition, adding two numbers together and working out the total. 


Enjoy your long weekend!  


Nicole and Lauren 

 1.2 News

We’ve been reading Fairy Tales this week in preparation for our Big Write. This also led into some exciting STEAM activities as we created our own shadow puppets and acted out our own fairy tales.  We’ve continued to explore sentence structure identifying whole sentences and fragments of sentences.  

We’ve been linking our Maths and Big Question this week with some investigations and data collection about weather. We have been tracking each day’s weather in our own weather journals and created graphs from this. If you wanted to link some experiments in at home, you could pop some bowls of water out when a frost is expected and see if they freeze over! We have also been learning about other big weather events like snowstorms and cyclones. This is in preparation for our next assignment – to become weather reporters!  

For RRRR we have been exploring stress management. It is always powerful when students share their experiences of feeling stressed, what can make them feel this way and their own knowledge around strategies for managing this. We have been sharing strategies around how when the game doesn’t go as planned, leading to stress, what we can do to help everyone in this situation. Next week, we will return to the topic of Emotional Literacy as we explore acts of kindness and empathy.  

Thank you for coming in to our Parent Teacher Interviews last week. It is always valuable taking the time to discuss your children.  

3.4 News

 Hello from the Grade 3/4 team! 

On Monday the Grade 4 students went on an excursion to the Boorp Boorp Boondyil exhibition at the Market building as part of Reconciliation Week. Kath Coff and Ben spoke about the importance of the 3rd June being the anniversary of Mabo Day, and the meaning behind this year’s Reconciliation Week theme, ‘Now more than ever’. Students then went on a scavenger hunt around the exhibition and thought about what we as individuals can do to make a difference. Thank you to Susie Elliot for helping us walk to and from the exhibition. 


This week in Literacy we began a novel study of ‘Storm Boy’ by Colin Thiele.  As an introduction to the text, we learnt about the author and his life. We also looked into where the story is set and discussed the main characters, and how they got their names. 


In Maths, we continued exploring fractions and made our own fraction artwork based on Piet Mondrian’s famous creations. We’ve loved to see the enthusiasm students show during Maths lessons – many are even continuing to do some at home! 


Next week is a short week with the King’s birthday on Monday. We will continue reading ‘Storm Boy’ in Literacy and will revise multiplication and area in Maths. 


Before we sign off, we just wanted to say a huge thank you to Frances’s dad, Luke Watt, Frankie’s dad, Brent Clayton and Alban’s dad, Leighton Rosestone, for their help on our Grade 3 camp to Lady Northcote. It was such a wonderful experience and we really couldn’t have done it without them. We hope you enjoy looking through some of our photos. 


Have a wonderful long weekend, 


Claire, Louise, Mr Scott, Hannah and Nicci 

5.6 News 

Thanks for reading this week’s update from the Silver Banksia. 

It all started with a bang. A big bang! This was part of the amazing planetarium experience at the Discovery Centre excursion on Monday. Our classes explored the centre’s exhibits, learned about and made electrical circuits, and brave students and teachers had the opportunity to climb the stairs and attempt the vertical slide. 

In Maths, we have continued to learn about data by collecting data using digital technologies, and created graphs and other displays to show how data can be interpreted in different ways. In Literacy, we are now preparing to write persuasive texts about the use of horses during World War I. This has been supported by all the amazing discussions we’ve had about the War Horse class novel this term. We have used role playing to explore and understand power imbalances in RRRR. And in BQT, we have explored how light can be reflected and refracted. 

Next week is a short week, with King’s Birthday on Monday. Our persuasive text planners will be nearing completion, giving students an opportunity to write their persuasive texts. We will learn about angles in Maths and RRRR looks at respect in peer relationships. 

Have an enjoyable weekend everyone. 

All the best from your Grade 5/6 teachers, 

Jay, Mr Higgins, Hannah, Sam K, Liz and Giovanna. 


Values Awards

Prep N

Alfie McGregor – for the brave way you have a go and try your hardest in PMP activities.

Charlie Reece – for working hard at home and school to improve your reading.


Prep E

Matteo Tricarico – for your dedication to practising your reading every day.  Keep it up!

Dallas Eddy – for the way you took your time and added detail to make your map of Buster’s bone.


1/2 S

Zaria Favero-Williamson – for the kindness, confidence and big smile that you bring to our classroom every day.

Robbie Baker – for the focused way you have been listening during instruction time in Spelling.


1/2 SB

Alice Oxner – for the calm and thoughtful way you use your common sense to help our classroom.

Nancy Schlacter – for the way you worked in your group, helping and listening, in our STEAM challenge.


1/2 W

Aysha Millard – for taking the lead in your Maths work and helping others.

Emily Bristow – for your beautiful and creative Big Write.


3/4 PS

Nellie Dunn – for having the courage to utilise feedback to improve your work.

Oscar Tanner – for your outstanding attitude and problem solving during challenging fractions activities.


3/4 CN

Thomas Chaplin – for the enthusiastic way you have been contributing to class discussions.

Quinlyn Nicholson – for the passionate way you have been creating fraction artwork at home.

3/4 H

Keir Edwards - for displaying amazing initiative and leadership qualities everyday!

Saatchi Wiegard - for showing such enthusiasm when doing our parachute experiment!

3/4 L

Samuel Carr - for the way you get to work quickly and quietly.

Ren Duckworth - for the fierce determination you display in ball games!


5/6 HG

Bailey Bright – for the way you confidently demonstrated your understanding of converting between units of measurement.

Kaide Berry – for the way you collaborated so effectively to complete your “Big Day Out” task.


5/6 R

Lucy Harris - for all the ways you help others in the classroom!

Lily Grayson - for jumping back into school work and seeking support after being away!

5/6 J

Jet McGill – for the strength you have shown in class by avoiding distractions and getting on with your learning.

Charlotte Morrison-Blunck – for the effort you have made to connect with friends.


5/6 SL

Ria Blundell – for the thoughtful way you approached making graphs in Maths – with great results!



Nash Eddy – for your enthusiastic participation in our team game and for remembering Indonesian colours!


Performing Arts

George Clark – for the way you focused and contributed musically to the class.  Well done!

5/6J – for the way you worked together and played beautiful music.  Well done!

Community Noticeboard

The Castlemaine Documentary Festival is having its tenth birthday next weekend 14-16 June... and there is something special in there for the kids.


Join us in our Yurt micro-cinema for a screening of Kids on the Silk Road, an engaging observational series that explores the lives of young people aged 10-14. 

These four films offer a close look at the daily struggles and ambitions of children from China, Azerbaijan, Pakistan, and Ukraine, providing a unique perspective on their world. Tickets are $10 for adults and $5 concession.


For more info | https://cdocff.com.au/full-program-2024/kids-on-the-silk-road/