Too late for that now

By Xen Such

Talia woke up in her bunker. It smelt of moldy tins of spam and dirty water bottles. She looked around at the other empty sleeping bags that once would hold her friends, they went out to see if the apocalypse was over. They never came back. She looked down at her dirty clothes, she hadn’t had a shower since the apocalypse started two years ago, she hadn’t changed either. She looked horrible and smelt horrible as well. It was finally her turn to leave the bunker and she dreaded it; all her friends had disappeared as soon as they left, and never came back. Most of her morning routine was patching holes in the bunker, she walked over to one of the holes, soil was coming out of it, and she didn’t know how to grow plants, not like she had access to ever learning how either. She threw the dirt on top of the rest of the pile it was about a meter tall now. she walked over to the shattered dirty mirror and looked at the many copies of herself across the pieces and gave herself a pep talk “C’mon Talia you can do this… you’ve been waiting two years for this and its now or never” she breathed a sigh of relief attempting to make herself feel better, it didn’t work. Though having fears, she slowly climbed the ladder to the entrance of the bunker. She hadn’t been there in two years, so mold grew on the walls, mushrooms that she wouldn’t dare try grew out of the dirt as soon as she reached the top she tried to give herself another pep talk, “TOO LATE FOR THAT NOW” she thought and then she twisted the top of the bunker, the door opened revealing the remains of her old house before the apocalypse blood coated the once yellow walls with a dark red and the smell of dried blood filled the air, which was a smell she hated. Talia climbed out of the bunker door closing it behind her and forever locking the memories away. She strolled through the house, the living room had a ripped-up couch, cushions and fluff spewed across the floor, the kitchen smelt of mold and half eaten apples, ants and cockroaches scattered the floor, the dim lights provided nothing, and she regretted accidently leaving her flashlight in the bunker. She finally stumbled across her front door, it was difficult to find in the lighting and not being there for so long. She opened it and blood and human limbs covered the roads and streets for miles. She recognized the head of one of her friends on the ground, she wept next to it knowing it would do nothing to change things, suddenly she heard something it sounded like a helicopter or a plane and when she finally saw it, she was filled with relief it was a government helicopter flying straight towards her. But when she finally saw who was inside, she froze. Zombies. The things that have taken over the world as we know it. The helicopter landed near her on the other side of the street they sped towards her. Talia found no point in running and accepted her fate.